- U. S. War Department. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. [Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1880-1901] Series I: Volumes 1-53; Series II: Volumes 1-8; Series III: Volumes 1-5; Series IV: Volumes 1-4. Online @ Making of America, Cornell University Library. [Reprinted: Harrisburg, PA: National Historical Society, 1971] [Reprinted in volumes numbered serially 1-130 [Pasadena, CA: Historical Times, 1985] Online @ Haithi Trust Digital Library, Limited [Search Only].
- Hewitt, Janet B. [et al]. Editor. Supplement to the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies: Reports. Volumes 1-12, Serial 1-12. [Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot Publishing Company, 1994-1998] Online @ Haithi Trust Digital Library, Limited [Search Only]
- Hewitt, Janet B. [et al], Editor. Supplement to the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies: Records of Events. Volumes 1-80, Serial 13-92. [Wilmington, NC: Broadfoot Publishing Company, 1994-1998]
- U. S. Naval War Records Office. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion Series I: Volumes 1-27; Series II: Volumes 1-3. [Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1894-1922] Online @ Making of America, Cornell University Library.
- American Civil War Research Database [Provo, UT: Operations Inc., 1999] Original data compiled by Historical Data Systems of Kingston, MA. Online @
- National Archives and Records Administration. Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 [database on-line], Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc., 2000. Original data: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration. T288, 544 rolls. Online @
- National Park Service. U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865 [Provo, UT: Operations Inc., 2007] Original data: National Park Service, online at Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System. Online @
- Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865. [Provo, UT: Operations Inc., 2007] Online @
- ResearchOnLine - A subscription website with access to over 3,000 volumes for Civil War Research.
- Appanoose County, Iowa, 1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll. Online @ Appanoose County IAGenWeb Project.
- Byers, S. H. M. Iowa in War Times [Des Moines, IA: W.D. Condit & Co., 1888] 647 pages. Online @ HeritageQuest. Online @ Hathi Trust Digital Library.
- Civil War Diaries and Letters. Online @ Iowa Digital Library, The University of Iowa Libraries.
- Iowa Civil War Soldier Burial Records [Provo, UT: Operations Inc., 2000-2005] Online @
- Knouf, Osee Johnson. Soldiers Buried in Appanoose County, Iowa, Before World War II. [LaGrange, IL: Daughters of the American Revolution Society, 1977] [Microfilmed: Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1990 -- FHL US/CAN Film 1703828, Item 3] Based on material compiled by WPA Workers and published in the Centerville Daily Iowegian & Citizen, 27 May 1941.
- List of Persons Subject to Military Duty from Appanoose County, Iowa, in 1862, 1863 and 1864. Online @ Appanoose County IAGenWeb Project.
- Resources for the Study of the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln. Special Collections and University Archives, The University of Iowa Libraries.
- Swisher, Jacob A. Iowa in Times of War [Iowa City, IA: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1943] Online @ HeritageQuest.
- Snedden, Howard E. "A Unique Iowa Resource: The G.A.R. Card Index File," Hawkeye Heritage, Volume 21, No. 1 (Spring 1986), pp.70-76.
- Appanoose County Genealogy Society. Civil War Discharges and Volunteers [Centerville, IA: The Appanoose County Genealogy Society, 1990] The first two pages contain a list of the Appanoose County Civil War Discharges. The names of the soldiers are followed by a page number. The book of discharges may be found in the Recorders Office at the county court house and at the Drake Public Library, both located in Centerville, IA. The Appanoose County Genealogy Society made a copy of the discharges and placed it in the library for genealogy research. The next 37 pages is a list of Appanoose County Volunteers, dates, company, and rank who served in the Civil War taken from The 1878 Appanoose County History Book.
- Blevins, Scharlott Goettsch. Iowa Volunteer Militia 1856-1873 [Davenport, IA: SCHAR Genealogy, 1995] 315 pages.
- Corder, Russell. The Confederate Invasion of Iowa [Unionville, IA: Russell Corder, 1997] 30 pages. Cover Title: "Presented to The Davis County Historical Society."
- Heusinkveld, W. M. Civil War History of Nine Iowa Companies [Centerville, IA: W. M. Heusinkveld, 2007] Consists of the chronological history of the campaigns of all the Iowa Infantry and Cavalry Regiments or Companies composed substantially of soldiers from Appanoose County in the Civil War between the States from 1861 through 1865. Each article is a one-page summary of a particular campaign almost verbatim from an article originally published in the Daily Iowegian from July to December, 2004. [Referenced below as: CWH-NIC]
- Ingersoll, Lurton Dunham. Iowa and the Rebellion: A History of the Troops Furnished by the State of Iowa to the Volunteer Armies of the Union, which Conquered the Great Southern Rebellion of 1861-5 [Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1866] Available online @ Google Book Project. Online @ HeritageQuest. Online @ Hathi Trust Digital Library.
- Iowa Adjutant General's Office. Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion Together with Historical Sketches of Volunteer Organizations 1861-1866. Volumes 1-6 [Des Moines, IA: Emory H. English, State Printer, E. D. Chassell, State Binder, 1908-11] Online @ IAGenWeb Project: Iowa in the Civil War. Online @ Google Book Project.
- Index to Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion. Volumes 1-3 [Boise, ID: The Idaho Genealogical Society, 1979]
- McElroy, Edith Wasson. The Undying Procession: Iowa's Civil War Regiments [Des Moines, IA: Iowa Civil War Centennial Commission, 1964] 104 pages.
- Stuart, Captain A. A. Iowa Colonels and Regiments: Being a History of Iowa Regiments in the War of the Rebellion [Des Moines, IA: Mills & Company, 1865] Online @ Google Book Project.
- Walker, William M. Sketches of Two Companies from Appanoose County, Iowa, Being Co. 1, Third Regiment Iowa Cavalry, and Co. D, Sixth Regiment Iowa Infantry, also the live business men Centerville, Iowa [Centerville, IA: Job Rooms of J. C. Barrows, 1887] 48 pages. [MCPL: 977.789 W154; Genealogy from the Heartland; Reference Book; Storage]
1st Iowa Volunteer Infantry
1st Iowa Volunteer Infantry
- CWH-NIC: No. 103: "Iowa Goes to War -- 1st Iowa Infantry Volunteers."
- Iowa and the Rebellion: Chapter I: First Iowa Volunteer Infantry, pp. 17-32.
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers: First Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Volume I, pp. 1-88.
- Reunion First Iowa Infantry Veterans Association. Flay Day Reunion of the First Iowa Infantry Veterans Association, Aug. 10th, 1894, 33rd Anniversary of Wilson's Creek, Des Moines, Iowa. 8 pages. Copy at U.S. Army Heritage & Education Center, Carlisle, PA.
Colonel Edwards' Independent Iowa Regiment
- CWH-NIC: No. 104: "Col. Edwards' Independent Iowa Regiment with F. M. Drake."
6th Iowa Infantry
- CWH-NIC: No. 105: "6th Iowa Infantry - From Burlington to Shiloh," No. 106: "6th Iowa Infantry - From Shiloh to Chattanooga," No. 107: "6th Iowa Infantry - Sherman's March to the Sea," and No. 108: "A First Hand Account of the 6th Iowa Infantry by H. Wright."
- Iowa and the Rebellion: Chapter VI: Sixth Infantry, pp. 112-127.
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers: Sixth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Volume I, pp. 783-908.
- Wright, Henry H. A History of the Sixth Iowa Infantry [Iowa City, IA: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1923] 539 pages. [ProQuest Genealogy & Local History, Microfiche Number: LH16460]
17th Iowa Infantry
- Iowa and the Rebellion: Chapter XVI: Seventeenth Infantry, pp. 288-306.
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers: Seventeenth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Volume III, pp. 1-114.
18th Iowa Infantry
- Iowa and the Rebellion: Chapter XVII: Eighteenth Infantry, pp. 307-318.
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers: Eighteenth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Volume III, pp. 115-222.
32nd Iowa Infantry
- Scott, John. Story of the Thirty-Second Iowa Infantry Volunteers [Nevada, IA: Unknown, 1896] 527 pages. Online @ HeritageQuest.
33rd Iowa Infantry
- Eckroate, John. Papers, 1862-1965. [Archival Material, Iowa State Historical Society Library, Des Moines, Iowa] Collection contains 155 Civil War letters written to family and friends by Private John Eckroate (Scott Township, Mahaska County, Iowa) while serving with Company C of the 33rd Iowa Volunteer Infantry, 1862-1865. Eckroate memorialized an Arkansas battle in a poem titled "A Song of the Battle of Helena."
- Newman, James Allen. The Autobiography of an Old Fashioned Boy [El Reno, OK: Privately Printed, 1923] Microfiche: Genealogy and History, LH17067.
- Leighton, Henry C. Diary, 1862-1863. [Archival Material, Manuscript, Duke University Library] Diary of a soldier in the 33rd Iowa Infantry Regiment describing campaigning in Kentucky and down the Mississippi to Memphis, TN.
- Sperry, Andrew F. History of the 33d Iowa Infantry: Volunteer Regiment, 1863-6 [Des Moines, IA: Mills, 1866] Online @ HeritageQuest. Reprinted: Gregory J. W. Urwin and Cathy Kunzinger Urwin, Editors [Fayetteville, AR: University of Arkansas Press, 1999] Reprint includes index and extensive bibliographical references.
36th Iowa Infantry
- Ingersoll, Lurton Dunham. Iowa and the Rebellion: Chapter XL: Thirty-Sixth Infantry [Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, 1867], pp. 651-661.
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion Together With Historical Sketches of Volunteer Organizations, 1861-1865. [Des Moines, IA: E. H. English, 1908], Thirty-sixth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Volume V, pp. 613-738.
- Atkinson, Edward. Edited by J. H. Atkinson. "The Battle of Marks' Mill," The Arkansas Historical Quarterly, Volume 14, Number 4 (Winter, 1955), pp. 381-384. Online @ JSTOR.
- Atkinson, J. H. "The Action at Prairie De Ann," The Arkansas Historical Quarterly, Volume 19, Number 1 (Spring, 1960), pp. 40-50. Online @ JSTOR.
- Baker, William D. The Camden Expedition of 1864 [Little Rock, AR: Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, Accessed 2010] Online @ The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program.
- Bearrs, Edwin C. Steele's Retreat from Camden and the Battle of Jenkins' Ferry [Little Rock, AR: Pioneer Press, 1966]
- Britton, Wiley. "Resume of Military Operations in Missouri and Arkansas, 1864-65" in R. U. Johnson and C. C. Buel (Editors), Battles and Leaders of the Civil War [4 Volumes] [New York: Century Co., 1884-1887] Online @ Google Book Project.
- Drake, Francis M. "The Campaign of General Steele" in War Sketches and Incidents, Volume 1, pp 60-73 [Des Moines, IA: Kenyon, 1893]
- Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion [Dayton, OH: Morningside, 1979], Volume 2, pp. 1179-1180, a concise summary of the regiment's service.
- Elder, Donald C., III, Editor. Love Amid the Turmoil - The Civil War Letters of William & Mary Vermillion [Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press, 2003] Online @ NetLibrary.
- Hudson, James J. and Robert C. Gilliam. "From Paraclifta to Marks' Mill: The Civil War Correspondence of Lieutenant Robert C. Gilliam," The Arkansas Historical Quarterly, Volume 17, No. 3 (Autumn, 1958), pp. 272.302. Online @ JSTOR.
- Johnson, Ludwell. The Red River Campaign: Politics and Cotton in the Civil War [Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press, 1958]
- Kelly, Orr, and Mary Davies Kelly. Dream's End: Two Iowa Brothers in the Civil War [New York: Kodansha International, 1998] One brother served in the 36th Iowa Infantry Regiment and the other in the 8th Iowa Cavalry Regiment.
- McDonald, Harold I. "The Battle of Jenkins' Ferry," The Arkansas Historical Quarterly, Volume 7, Number 1 (Spring, 1948), pp. 57-67. Online @ JSTOR.
- Mitchell, Leon, Jr. "Camp Ford: Confederate Military Prison," The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 66, No. 1 (July, 1962), pp. 1-16. Online @ JSTOR.
- Philbeck, Larry Gene. A Union Soldier in Arkansas, 1862-1866 [Thesis (M.A.) University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 1990. 103 pages.
- Richards, Ira Don. "The Battle of Jenkins' Ferry," The Arkansas Historical Quarterly, Volume 20, Number 1 (Spring, 1961), pp. 3-16. Online @ JSTOR.
- Richards, Ira Don. "The Battle of Poison Spring," The Arkansas Historical Quarterly, Volume 18, Number 4 (Winter, 1959), pp. 338-349. Online @ JSTOR.
- Richards, Ira Don. The Camden Expedition, March 23-May 3, 1864 [Unpublished MA Thesis, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 1958. This is perhaps the most thorough study of the Camden Expedition.
- Richards, Ira Don. "The Engagement at Marks' Mill," The Arkansas Historical Quarterly, Volume 19, Number 1 (Spring, 1960), pp. 51-60. Online @ JSTOR.
- Scott, Newton Robert. Letters from an Iowa Soldier in the Civil War. Online @ Letters from an Iowa Soldier in the Civil War. Newton Robert Scott was a Private in Company A, of the 36th Infantry, Iowa Volunteers.
- Stuart, Addison. Iowa Colonels and Regiments... [Des Moines, IA: Mills, 1865], pp. 513-520 for biographical sketches of the unit's commanders.
- Swiggett, Samuel A. The Bright Side of Prison Life: Experiences in Prison and Out, of an Involuntary Sojourner in Rebeldom [Baltimore: Press of Fleet, McGinley, 1897] 254 pages.
- The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies [Washington, DC, 1880-1901] Volume XXXIV, Part 1 and Part 2.
- U.S. Army Military History Institute's Civil War Miscellaneous Collections contains (1) Morning Reports of Captain William Mahon's Company E, 1864 and (2) William H. Smith's enlisted man's letter, 28 November 1862.
- U.S. Army Military History Institute's Photo Archive includes images of individuals of this unit.
- Vermilion, William F. William F. Vermilion Papers at the Mandeville Special Collections Library, University of California, San Diego, CA. Arranged in five series: (1) Personal Materials, (2) Civil War Materials, (3) Political Materials, (4) Business Materials, and (5) Microfilm of the Civil War Correspondence. William F. Vermilion was a physician, lawyer, Iowa state senator, and Civil War captain (1862-1865) of Company F, 36th Regiment of Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Register of Papers Online @ Online Archive of California.
37th Iowa Infantry - the Gray-beard Regiment
- Iowa and the Rebellion: Chapter XLI: "The Gray-beard Regiment," pp. 661-663.
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers: Thirty-seventh Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Volume V, pp. 739-832.
46th Iowa Infantry
- Iowa and the Rebellion: Chapter L: "One Hundred Days' Men," pp. 714-717.
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers: One Hundred Day Organizations (Historical Sketch), Volume V, pp. 1193-1200; Forty-sixth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Volume V, pp. 1371-1454.
47th Iowa Infantry
- Iowa and the Rebellion: Chapter L: "One Hundred Days' Men," pp. 714-717.
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers: One Hundred Day Organizations (Historical Sketch), Volume V, pp. 1193-1200; Forty-seventh Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Volume V, pp. 1455-1538.
3rd Iowa Cavalry
- Iowa and the Rebellion: Chapter XXII: Third Cavalry, pp. 396-416.
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers: Third Regiment Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, Volume IV, pp. 417-636.
7th Iowa Cavalry
- Iowa and the Rebellion: Chapter XLV: Seventh Cavalry, pp. 690-693.
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers: Seventh Regiment Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, Volume IV, pp. 1251-1392; Seventh Regiment Iowa Volunteer Cavalry Reorganized, Volume IV, pp. 1393-1504.
8th Iowa Cavalry
- Brandon, Keith. Pvt. David Barrett, Company H, 8th Iowa Cavalry [2002] Online @ Appanoose County IAGenWeb Project.
- Iowa and the Rebellion: Chapter XLVI: Eighth Cavalry, pp. 694-703.
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers: Eighth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Cavalry, Volume IV, pp. 1505-1640.
2nd Cavalry of the Missouri Militia
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers: Iowa Men in Military Organizations of Other States, Missouri State Militia, Second Cavalry, Volume VI, pp. 106-110.
18th Missouri Infantry
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers: Iowa Men in Military Organizations of Other States, Missouri, Eighteenth Missouri Infantry, Volume VI, pp. 79-80.
21st Missouri Infantry
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers: Iowa Men in Military Organizations of Other States, Missouri, Twenty-first Missouri Infantry, Volume VI, pp. 81-87.
6th Kansas Cavalry
- Britton, Wiley. Memoirs of the Rebellion of the Border 1863 [Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1993] Reprinted from the original 1882 edition published by Cushing, Thomas & Co., Publishers, Chicago.
- Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, National Park System. 6th Regiment, Kansas Cavalry. Online @ Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System.
- Cox, Dale. 6th Kansas Casualties - Battle of Massard Prairie. Online @ Kansas in the Civil War Message Board.
- Cox, Dale, and William Cox. The Battle of Massard Prairie: The 1864 Confederate Attacks on Fort Smith, Arkansas [Bascom, FL: William Cox, Publisher, 2008]
- Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kansas. Volume I - 1861-1865 [Leavenworth, KS: Bulletin Co-Operative Printing Company, 1867], Roster, Company B, Sixth Regiment Kansas Volunteers - Cavalry, pp. 406-416.
- Roster and Record of Iowa Soldiers: Iowa Men in Military Organizations of Other States, Kansas, Sixth Kansas Cavalry, Volume VI, pp. 55-61.
- The Battle of Massard Prairie - Fort Smith, Arkansas. Online @
Camp Ford - A Confederate Military Prison
- A Short History of Camp Ford. Online @ Camp Ford Historical Association.
- A Short History of Camp Ford. Online @ Smith County Historical Association.
- Mitchell, Leon, Jr. "Camp Ford: Confederate Military Prison," The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 66, Number 1 (July, 1962), pp. 1-16.
The Civil War Monument in Centerville's Square
- Heusinkveld, W. M. "No. 124: The Civil War Monument" in Civil War History of Nine Iowa Companies [Centerville, IA: W. M. Heusinkveld, 2007]
- "The Civil War Monument" in The History of Appanoose County, Iowa [Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1878], p. 428.
Reunions of Civil War Veterans
- Heusinkveld, W. M. "No. 145: The Soldiers' Reunion of 1878" in Civil War History of Nine Iowa Companies [Centerville, IA: W. M. Heusinkveld, 2007]
- "The Soldiers' Re-Union [1878]" in The History of Appanoose County, Iowa [Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1878], pp. 428-431.
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