Monday, December 7, 2009

JEROME By Miss Susie Sidles

Seymour Herald - 3 July 1952
  Mrs. Maggie Anderson of Centerville spent the week end with Mrs. Lyda Bollman.
  Mrs. Maurine Streepy of Udell is spending several days with her sister, Miss Susie Sidles, and visiting with her nephew, Dr. Robert Rucker [Rinker], and family of Augusta, Ga., who are spending a few days with their aunt, Miss Susie Sidles.
  Mrs. Bert F. Murphy left Saturday night for Detroit, Mich., to visit a friend there and to attend the National Teachers Association this week. She will return by Ft. Wayne, Ind., where she will visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Owen.
  W.S.C.S. was postponed last Thursday in respect to Miss Kathryn Hawkins, past president, whose death occurred Tuesday, June 24, and whose funeral was Saturday, June 28. The meeting will be held Thursday, July 3, with Mrs. Ettie Condra having the devotional services and Mrs. Marian Wailes the lesson. Ms. Peter Sidles and committee will be hostesses.
  Mrs. Joe Beer and Mrs. Marvelle McElvain had a Stanley party with a large attendance Tuesday evening.
  Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and children and Miss Phyllis Hamm of Davenport spent the week end at the parental Carl Hamm home.
  Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hawkins, Miss Cadd Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawkins and Billy and Mary, all of Davenport, spent several days at the family home here while making preparation for the funeral of Miss Kathryn Hawkins Saturday afternoon.
  Will Crouch of Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hawkins of Kalispell, Mont., and Mr. and Mrs. Manual Buckallew of Independence, Mo., visited there also, leaving for their homes Sunday.
  Among others from out of town attending the funeral of Miss Hawkins were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vail of Ottumwa, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Capell [Chappell] and two children of Keokuk, Miss Jessie Wailes of Plano and Mrs. Martha Brady of Portland, Ore., and her mother, Mrs. Luna Hoover, of Centerville.
  The family night cooperative supper will be served Monday, July 7, at 7 o'clock in the evening. Mrs. Peter Sidles, Mrs. Otto Felkner and Mrs. James Felkner will be supper hostesses.

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