Monday, December 7, 2009

JEROME By Miss Susie Sidles

Seymour Herald - 17 April 1952
  Mrs. S. J. Owen and daughter, Dorothy, of Centerville, are spending some time at the Kenneth Owen home. Mrs. Owen is just reasonably well after being in failing health for several months.
  Miss Coleen Hefner of Des Moines spent the long week end at the parental W. R. Hefner home.
  Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hawkins of Davenport were guests Friday night at the J. W. Workman home. They sent their household goods to Davenport Friday where they have purchased a home and are employed.
  Mrs. Bert Murphy returned home from the Centerville hospital Wednesdy where she had been a patent for several days. Patty Murphy of Davenport spent the week end at home.
  Miss Leona Griffin of Muscatine came Saturday to spend the Easter vacation at the home of the Rev. Mr. Gonzalez in Mystic.
  Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and family and Mrs. Kenneth Moore and children of Moline, Ill., spent the week end at the parental Carl Hamm home.
  Mr. and Mrs. Steve Zemo have returned to make their home here after spending the winter in Davenport. 
  There was a large attendance at the Easter service Sunday and a very fine program given by the Sunday school at the close of the preaching service.
  Mrs. Ruth Inman and Richard and Jerry of Centerville attended the Easter service here Sunday and Richard and Jerry took part in the program.
  Mrs. Cecile McElvain of Centerville and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Inman of Denver, Colo., attended services here Sunday. The Inmans are being transferred from Denver to Oak Ridge, Tenn., and will be employed there.
  The regular meeting of the Jerome cemetery association is the last Monday in March but it was not called at that time this year because of the absence of Miss Kathryn Hawkins, who for many years has been secretary and treasurer and has spent much time in the interest of the association. She is now living in Davenport. 
  However, the meeting was called April 11 and the attendance as small but a number of items of business were taken care of and officers were elected. I. E. Fry, who has been president the past year, asked to be released from further duty and Charley McGavran was elected president, Mrs. Susie R. Sidles secretary and treasurer and K. E. Owen was reelected trustee for a term of three years. The other trustees are Merle Loofburrow and Joe Beer. 
  A lily was provided by Mrs. Effie Houx of Cedar Rapids for the altar of the church Sunday in memory of her parents, the J. G. Kinneys, and a plant was furnished by Mrs. Guy Streepy of Udell.
  Mr. and Mrs. Donald Owen of Iowa City spent this week end with the Bert F. Murphys and at the K. E. Owen home.
  The MYF will meet at the Carl Hamm home Wednesday evening.
  Mary Hawkins of Seymour and Joan McCord, who is home from Iowa State College at Ames for Easter vacation, attended services here Sunday.
  Mr. and Mrs. Robert Felkner and family and Mr. and Mrs. Junior Carey of Moline were week end visitors at the parental Gail Felkner home. Mrs. Felkner is much improved after her recent illness.

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