Mr. Ball, of near Plano, was in Jerome on business Saturday.
Bob, Jim and Will Kelley, of Mystic, visited between trains Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Chas. Fox.
Mrs. Charley Shots returned Tuesday to her home in Centerville, after a visit with her niece, Miss Ida Conner.
Mrs. Will Fents, of Centerville, is visiting this week with her sister, Mrs. Hattie Loofburrow.
Alva Campbell went to Centerville the latter part of the week for a visit with his brother.
J. F. Hagan was in Seymour the latter part of the week having dental work done.
Mrs. A. Gillespie was a business visitor in Plano last Thursday.
Miss Ida Conner, primary teacher here, was visiting home folks in Centerville from Friday until Sunday.
Miss Chloe Beer returned last Wednesday, from an extended visit in Missouri. Miss Beer will now make her home with her brother Ed and family, east of town.
Miss Law returned last week to her home in Centerville, after a few weeks stay at the Chas. Norris home.
T. R. Sedgwick, wife and daughter Evelyn, of Mystic, made a brief visit Sunday at the Sam Owen home. Mrs. Owen is M. Sedgwick's sister.
Mrs. G. W. Ross returned from Seymour Saturday where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joe Darrah.
Mrs. Amy Moore, who has been visiting at the Melvin Knapp home near Numa, for the past few weeks, returned home Saturday.
Harl Brattain and wife returned from Harvard Monday, after a few days visit with his parents at that place. Mr. Brattain expects to move on a farm soon.
The mumps have numerous victims in this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Houx were guests at the Henry Hefner home Sunday.
The stork passed thru Jerome again and left an infant at the Tom Cathcart home.
Mrs. Mary Crist, of Seymour, is spending a few days at the home of her mother, Mrs. M. A. Criswell.
David Loofburrow, wife and daughter and B. I. Gable and family were entertained at dinner Sunday at the W. S. Crouch home.
Mr. Gates of Palo, Ia., arrived Saturday for a visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Gable, Mrs. Gates having arrived a week previous.
Chas. Crouch and wife returned home Monday evening, after an absence of about three weeks. He having been a delegate to the U. M. W. of A. convention at Indianapolis and she visited relatives in Seymour.
Mrs. M. Luce and children, of Mystic, visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fuller.
Miss Etta Hiatt and Burdette Harris and sister Florence of Moravia were Jerome visitors from Saturday to Monday, guests of their sisters, Mrs. Maud Hudnal and Miss Virgie Harris.
John White Sr., went to Centerville Monday evening to hear the lecture on Radium, Liquid Air and Wireless Telegraphy. Mrs. White accompanied him as far as Numa where she visited until Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. Mabel Norris.
A few of the young people enjoyed a party at the Lincoln Moore home Saturday night.
Miss Ocie Moore returned from Mystic Sunday after a short visit with relatives.
Mrs. D. A. Duncan of Diamond was a business visitor in town Monday and Tuesday.
The section men of this place were called to Powersville last Wednesday to help clear the wreck on the C. M. & St. P.
The mine at this place is not working very steadily.
Rev. Bishop closed the meetings at the M. E. church Friday night and began special meetings at Plano Sunday night. We trust his earnest efforts will be rewarded with greater results that he realized at this place.
Mrs. Luce of south part of town is in a serious condition, she being a victim of tuberculosis. Mr. Luce gives her a drive whenever the weather is favorable, hoping by that means to partially overcome the trouble.
W. A. Hagan, the assessor, is making his rounds in the townships.
Listen for the wedding bells Sunday.
The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. W. M. Hawkins this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bollman entertained the following at dinner Sunday: Robert and Marcia Stoner, Loyd and Lottie Crouch, Grace Seathe and Ben Sedgwick.
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