Seymour Herald - 28 February 1952
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Workman and Mrs. Gail Felkner and Dickie spent last week end with Burdette Workman and family and the Felkners with the Robert Felkner and Junior Carrie families. While in Moline they called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore and Billy. Moore has been ill since early in January when he suffered a heart attack. He is some improved.
Miss Colleen Hefner of Des Moines spent the long week end at the parental W. R. Hefner home.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Zemo of Davenport spent last week end with their family here and with Mrs. Tony Yonovich. Miss Cadd Hawkins of Centerville returned to Davenport with them to spend several days with the Hawkins families there.
The George Jones families and Miss Phyllis Hamm of Davenport spent this week end at the Carl Hamm and K. E. Owen homes.
There was a large attendance at the M.Y.F. meeting held at the home of Judy and Jimmy Joe Beer Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ervin spent last Thursday in Unionville, Mo., on business.
Miss Barbara Holland, R.N., of Mercy hospital in Des Moines, spent last Wednesday with her grandparents, the Joe Ponsettos.
Sunday, Feb. 24, was layman's Sunday. The service was in charge of the W.S.C.S. president, Mrs. Charley McGavran. Music was furnished by Mrs. Richard Mincks and Rowena Rash. Bert Murphy represented the youth fellowship, H. L. Stark the church board, and Mrs. Paul Felkner, who is sponsor for M.Y.F., was also on the program. It was a very interesting service.
Miss Leona Griffin of Muscatine spent Friday and Saturday at the Rev. M. R. Gonzalez home.
The W.S.C.S. will meet Thursday at the home of Mrs. Joe Beer. It will be a cooperative dinner. Mrs. Joe Beer and Mrs. Merle Loofburrow (sic) are the hostesses. Mrs. Gail Felkner will lead in the devotional service and Mrs. Otto Felkner will have charge of the program.
Mrs. Edd Beer returned Monday from Centerville where she had spent the week end with her sister and family, the Ray Scotts, and her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long.
The Richard Radcliff sale was held Tuesday and they have moved their goods to their home in Seymour where they formerly lived.
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