Friday, November 27, 2009

JEROME By Miss Susie Sidles

Seymour Herald - 10 January 1952
  Mr. and Mrs. Gail Shock of Seymour spent New Years with Mrs. Shock's sister, Mrs. Marshall Moore, and family.
  Mrs. W. R. Hefner is still improving and is up and about but not able to resume her usual activities as yet.
  Mrs. S. J. Owen is still in a serious condition at her home in Centerville. Tommy Owen of Louisville, Ky., has been with her two weeks but has returned home. K. E. Owen of this community spends a great deal of time there.
  Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ervin spent New Years day at the William Dudley home near Livingston.
  Verle Brummitt of the army air force has returned to his base at Denver, Colo., after a two weeks furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown.
  Mrs. I. E. Fry and Jackie spent the Christmas holidays in Bettendorf at the James Fox home. They returned in time for Jackie to enter school Wednesday.
  Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Workman spent Sunday at the Dick Lowe home near Seymour.
  The Youth Fellowship met with Donald and Max Ervin Wednesday evening.
  Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ponsetto have received word that their son, Sgt. Richard Ponsetto, is located at Cold Bay, Alaska. He is with the air weapons group in one of the units responsible for collecting and dispatching weather data throughout the world. 
  Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilson and son, Tommy, left last Tuesday for Arizona. Ronnie Wilson came home from his work in Des Moines to look after the farm in their absence. 
  Because of conflicting dates the next family night supper will be Feb. 16, instead of the 14th as was announced.
  The Robert Sumpter family who formerly lived here have returned and are living in the I. E. Fry house in the east part of town. He is employed in the Tri-Cities. 
  Mrs. Stella Dooley is ill and at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eugene McKern, in Mystic.
  Mr. and Mrs. Roy Strawser spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson and Shirley in Centerville.
  Miss Cadd Hawkins of Centerville spent Christmas with her brothers, W. E. and A. F. Hawkins, and families and with Miss Kathryn Hawkins in Davenport. They were joined there by their brother, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hawkins, of Kalispell, Mont., for the holiday season.
  Mr. and Mrs. Orville Swartz visited Sunday at the Paul Ervin home.
  Mr. and Mrs. John Ponsetto spent Sunday with her sister, the Mark Allens, at Iconium.
  The Andrew Van Blaricom family spent last week end in Des Moines visiting their three daughters and families who live there.
  Herbert Warnick has been unable to attend to his duties at the store for several days and is under the doctor's care.
  The Theo. Sedgwick family of Centerville spent last Sunday at their home here.
  Mr. and Mrs. Ted Welch of Exline and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Anderson and daughter, Maxine, of Centerville spent Christmas at the parental Joe Ponsetto home. 
  Mrs. Lenna Neel of Seymour returned to her home Monday after spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Lyda Bollman, who has been ill. She is slowly recovering. 

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