The Seymour Herald - 23 October 1952
Mr. and Mrs. Edd Bell of Maxwell were Sunday callers at the C. E. Ervin home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Felkner and Dickie spent last week end in East Moline, Ill., with their daughter, Mrs. Junior Cary, and family and with their son, Robert Felkner, and family.
The school gave a nice program Friday evening. It was on the Halloween theme and the constumes and numbers were very interesting. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Turner of Centerville and their assistant, Miss Beverley Fenton, made recordings that will be sold to any parents who want them.
After the program they sold pie, candy and coffee. There was a large attendance.
There was a line call Saturday and the neighbors all assisted Adrian Davis put out a grass fire. It had extended into the corn but did little damage.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Owen of Fort Wayne, Ind., spent the week end at the parental Bert Murphy home and Donald assisted K. E. Owen to install television.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Felkner, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mincks and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ervin each took a load of young people to Oskaloosa Sunday evening to attend a district youth fellowship rally.
Leonard Ponsetto of Chicago spent the week end at the parental Joe Ponsetto home. He was accompanied by his brother-in-law, Doyle Gates.
The Dolly Ramsy family moved to Numa Saturday. Ivan will enter the Numa school.
The Paul Van Blaricon family closed their home here and have gone to Ottumwa where he is employed for the winter.
Mrs. Yonovich and son, Tony, returned the first of the week from Sioux City where they had spent a week with the William Yonovich family. It will be remembered the family spent several months here while he was in Korea. He is now stationed in Sioux City and the family is residing at 1719 River Drive Blvd.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Burkett and sons of Des Moines spent Sunday at the W. R. and William Hefner homes.
[Crowded Out Last Week]
Mrs. Wayne Montgomery and son, Lyndel, spent the week end with the Joe Beer family. Sunday Mrs. Beer accompanied them home for an extended visit.
There was a large attendance at the farm sale of Mrs. Earl Fry Friday. The W.S.C.S. served lunch and cleared $50. Mrs. Fry will remain on the farm for the present. Her daughter, Mrs. Edward Matilski, continues to be with her. The son, Oscar, has returned to his home in Houston, Texas.
The Seymour fire department answered a call to the John Scott home last Wednesday. The fire was put out but the interior of the house was damaged extensively.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sidles and sons, Mark and David, spent Sunday at the parental Peter Sidles home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Jones and son, Frankie, of Des Moines spent Sunday with relatives here.
Mrs. Ray Deibert of Sac City returned Monday to her home after spending the past week with her sister, Miss Susie Sidles. Mrs. Guy Streepy of Udell spent the week end with them.
Miss Cadd Hawkins returned to Davenport the last of the week after spending several days at the home here.
Mrs. Edd Neff of Alliance, Nebr., spend the week end with Mrs. Cora Beer.
Sunday was Rally Day at the Methodist church and a program was given by the children in charge of Mrs. J. W. Workman and Mrs. James Felkner.
Miss Ethel Stoner of Seymour spent Friday with Miss Susie Sidles and Mrs. Ray Deibert.
Mr. and Mrs. James Felkner spent the week end of Oct. 5 with their daughter and family, the Chester Jarnigans, in Des Moines. Sunday they attended Sunday school at the First Methodist church where Jack Shelley was the teacher. They enjoyed the class very much.
The George Jones family of Davenport spent the week end at the parental Carl Hamm home.
The youth fellowship will meet Wednesday evening with Dickie Felkner as teacher.