Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dugie Moore's Sister Dies in Nebraska

The Seymour Herald - 4 December 1952
  Dugie Moore received word Monday evening of the death of his sister, Mrs. Anna Davis, who passed away following an operation at Grand Island, Nebr. Mrs. Davis and her husband were former residents of Numa and moved to Nebraska where they farmed.
  Mrs. Davis had accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Moore to Salt Lake City, Utah, in June where they visited a brother, George Moore.

JEROME By Miss Susie Sidles

The Seymour Herald - 27 November 1952
  Mr. and Mrs. John Hickie and son, Melvin, spent the week end with the George Nichols family in Buffalo and with relatives in Davenport. White they were gone from home, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hickie of Brazil looked after the farm and were guests of Mrs. Lyda Bollman.
  Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mincks, Mary Catharine and Stephen spent the week end with the Billy Mincks family of Cedar Falls.
  Mrs. Effie Houx of Cedar Rapids is spending several days with Miss Susie Sidles.
  Charles and John Morris spent Sunday with relatives in Madrid. They were accompanied by Jimmy Condra.
  The Harvest Home Sunday observed at the Methodist church was well attended and the message given by Roger Crews of the Farm Bureau extension office was enjoyed.
  The Loyd Hickie family of Promise City and the George Sidles family spent Sunday with Mrs. Lyda Hickie.
  Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allen of Iconium spent Sunday with the John Ponsettos.
  Jim and Pete Sidles of Iowa State College, Ames, will spend the Thanksgiving holidays at home. Also Miss Colleen Hefner of Des Moines will be home for Thanksgiving and the remainder of the week.
  Guy Goughnour of Allerton was a business caller in Jerome Wednesday.
  J. W. Workman is convalescing at home after a short time in the St. Joseph's hospital.
  Rev. M. R. Gonzales' nephew and family of Philadelphia came Friday to spend a few days with them and soon after they arrived the nephew became ill with asthma and was taken to the St. Joseph's hospital in Centerville for oxygen treatments.
  The women of the W.S.C.S. have already begun preparation for the Thanksgiving dinner to be held at the school auditorium Thanksgiving day.

Mystery Student of the Week

The Seymour Herald - 20 November 1952
The Pepper - Official Publication of the Seymour Public School
  "Hi Shortie."
  This is a general greeting to a certain dark-haired damsel--and very appropriate, too, because she's only 5 feet 1 inch tall. She has dark brown shining eyes that add to her high personality rating. Her incomparable smile has dimples on both sides. She has a very small build and she weights only 100 pounds.
  She is a member of the girl's basketball traveling squad, which is also her favorite sport. She also plays a bigt part in the glee club in which she sings second soprano.
  Some of her favorites are: song--"You Belong to Me," season--spring, and food--pumpkin pie with lots of whipped cream.
  Do you recognize her?  If not, look for the answer next week.
  -- Marilyn Joiner
[Note: Next week she was identified as Rowena Rash of Jerome.]

JEROME By Miss Susie Sidles

The Seymour Herald - 20 November 1952
  Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ervin visited friends in Cincinnati Sunday.
  Harold Hart visited his sister, Mrs. W. R. Hefner, the first of the week. He was enroute from Chicago, where he has been employed for several years, to Whittier, Calif., where he will move with his family. He will have employment there. 
  Mrs. I. E. Fry has received word that her sister, Mrs. Sylvia Hullett, of Omaha had been severely burned in an accident and was in critical condition.
  MYF will meet at the church Wednesday evening.
  Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sidles and Mrs. Janice Sidles of Seymour spent Sunday with the Howard Sidles family in Ames and with Pet and Jim, who attend school there.
  Howard Sidles will soon go to Oak Ridge, Tenn., for two weeks training in the Naval Reserve. He will be accompanied by his family, who will spend time with her parents in Raleigh, N.C.
  Billy Fry, who returned from service in Germany two weeks ago, was married Saturday, Nov. 15, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Fry.
  The bride was Miss Geneva Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry [Elmer] Stevens of Centerville. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. M. R. Gonzalez in the presence of the immediate family, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Fry and son, Jackie, of Bettendorf; the bride's mother, Mrs. Ada Stevens of Centerville; Mrs. M. R. Gonzales and Portia; Mrs. Anna Snodgrass; Mrs. Mae Manda and Miss Mary Scott.
  Best man was Jackie Fry and the bridesmaid was Miss Shirley Coatney of Centerville.
  Mrs. Fry served refreshments of sandwiches, ice cream and coffee with the wedding cake.
  The community gave a shower for them Monday night in the school auditorium with Mrs. Marshall Moore and Mrs. I. E. Fry as hostesses. They were assisted by Mrs. John Ponsetto.
  Harvest Home Sunday will be observed at the Methodist church Sunday, Nov. 23, in connection with layman's day. Mrs. Charley McGavran, lay leader, will be in charge.
  Guest speaker will be Roger Crews, field man for the Appanoose county extension program.
  There will be special music and other features in connection with the services at the regular preaching hour, 10 o'clock, followed by Sunday school.

JEROME By Miss Susie Sidles

The Seymour Herald - 13 November 1952
  Mr. and Mrs. Alfred McWilliams of Aredale visited Mrs. McWilliams' daughter, Mrs. Paul Felkner, and family during the week end.
  Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stark spent Sunday in Centerville at the home of his niece, Mrs. June Olson. It was a gathering of relatives as a farewell to Stark's sister, Mrs. D. F. Harris, who has spent the summer in Iowa and will soon return to her home in Boonsboro, Md.
  Miss Vera Scott is home from St. Joseph's hospital where she recently underwent an appendectomy. She is recovering satisfactorily.
  Billy Fry, who returned from U.S. service in Germany Sunday, accompanied Jackie Fry to Bettendorf Tuesday. He hope to be employed there.
  The house formerly belonging to W. E. Hawkins and sold to H. L. Stark was moved by the Glen Johnson moving company Tuesday to the Stark farm. It will replace the home burned seveal months ago. They moved into it at once.
  Mrs. Clyde Elgin, teacdher of the older grades, was absent from school all day Wednesday because of illness. Since there was no substitute teacher, the room was dismissed.
  The women of the Methodist church did well with their lunch election day and cleared $60. THey will serve the E. E. Heaton sale Thursday, Nov. 13.
  Mrs. Bert F. Murphy, teacher of the primary grades, attended the state teachers convention in Des Moines Thursday, Friday and Saturday. While there she was a guest of her cousins, the John Burns family. She was accompanied to Des Moines by Mrs. Merrill Condra of the South Wilson school. 
  Loyd Crouch of the Simpson community and Miss Ethel Stoner of Seymour were in the community Thursday looking after the erecting of monuments in the cemetery.
  Quite a number of the neighbors west of town attended a charm party at Mrs. Leonard Wilson's Friday afternoon.
  Arthur Cathcart of Moline, Ill.m, is spending several days with his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Strawser. Sunday they spent the day at the Harry Johnson home in Centerville.
  Mrs. Stella Dooley went to Davenport Sunday to spend some time with her children. She accompanied the Reuben Dooley family home. They had spent the week end here.
  Mr. and Mrs. Andy Van Blaricom and children spent the long week end with the daughter in Des Moines.
  Mr. and Mrs. William Cathcart of Elmira, Mo., spent the week end of Nov. 2 with the Roy Strawsers here.
  W.S.C.S. will hold its next all-day meeting Nov. 20 since Thanksgiving comes on the regular day. The hostesses will be Mrs. J. W. Workman and Mrs. Ray Parks. Mrs. Peter Sidles will have charge of the devotional period.
  Mr. and Mrs. Robert Felkner of East Moline, Ill., spent the week end at the parental Gail Felkner home.

JEROME By Miss Susie Sidles

The Seymour Herald - 6 November 1952
  The Charley Day family of Madrid spent Sunday at the J. G. Morris home.
  Miss Patty Murphy of Davenport spent the week end at home.
  Dr. and Mrs. George E. Rinker of Oto returned home Thursday after spending several days with Miss Susie Sidles and other relatives.
  The W.S.C.S. will serve lunch at the school house election day. The committee in charge includes Mrs. Richard Mincks, Mrs. James Felkner and Mrs. A. R. Blozivich.
  The annual Thanksgiving dinner will be at the school house. The committee will be Mrs. W. R. Hefner, Mrs. Joe Beer, and Mrs. Gail Felkner. The price will be $1.00 for the dinner.
  Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Fry returned Saturday from Canton, Ill., where they spent several weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Lester Hill, who has been ill but is recovering. 
  Mrs. Anna Snodgrass has been confined to her home several days with arthritis. Her daughter, Mrs. Ethel Gibson, of Chariton, is with her.
  The school had a party Halloween and lots of youngsters were out for tricks and treats in the evening.
  Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hefner spent the long week end with Loran Hart and Mrs. Wayne Montgomery in Gary, Ind., and Harold Hart and family in Chicago, Ill.
  The family night supper that is always held the first Monday night in the month will not be held in November because of the many other activities, but will be as usual the first Monday night in December, which is Dec. 1. Mrs. John Cathcart will be the guest speaker.
  Billy Fry, who has been in the army the past four years and for many months in Germany, returned to his home Sunday.
  Mr.and Mrs. Edward Matelski and daughter of Davenport spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Earl Fry.
  Mr. and Mrs. Lester King of Davenport spent the week end at their home here.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

JEROME By Miss Susie Sidles

The Seymour Herald - 30 October 1952
  Joe Beer and Jimmy and Judy went to Gary, Ind., for the week end and Mrs. Beer returned home with them after spending some time there with her mother, Mrs. Wayne Montgomery.
  Mr. and Mrs. Billy Mincks of Cedar Falls spent the week end at the Charley McGavran home. The Richard Mincks family joined them there Sunday.
  The MYF will have a Halloween party at the church Wednesday evening.
  Robert Beckley of Lewistown, Mo., has purchased the Robert Pellen farm south of town and has moved there. It had been vacant for some time.
  Miss Colleen Hefner of Des Moines spent Sunday at home.
  Miss Leona Griffin of Muscatine spent the week end with the Rev. M. R. Gonzales family.
  Miss Susie Sidles and Mrs. Paul Ervin attended an organization health seal meeting in Centerville Thursday night.
  The Y. W. Study club met with Mrs. Delbert Foster Tuesday evening.
  Mrs. John Cathcart was the guest speaker at the county Ladies Aid meeting at Brushy college north of Plano last week.
  The W.S.C.S. will have the all-day cooperative dinner meeting Thursday. The hostesses are Mrs. Peter Sidles and Mrs. James Hileman. The devotional period will be in charge of Mrs. Paul Felkner and the lesson will be given by Mrs. W. R. Hefner.
  The teachers were hostesses to the mothers Friday afternoon. They visited the class rooms and later Mrs. John Cathcart, Mrs. K. E. Owen, Mrs. William Clark and Mrs. Marshall Moore served refreshments. Paul Turner of Centerville was out and played the records he ad taken at the Halloween program.
  The George Jones family of Davenport spent Sunday at the parental Carl Hamm home.
  Mr. and Mrs. George Sidles and children and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sidles spent Sunday in Des Moines at the Rev. Roy H. Mills home. THey were accompanied by Mrs. Janice Sidles of Seymour.
  Mrs. Gail Felkner accompanied her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Cary, of Moline to Ft. Smith, Ark., where they will spend a week at the Gail Felkner, Jr., home.
  Mrs. Chester Jarnigan and two sons of Des Moines visited several days at the parental James Felkner home.
  Mrs. Maue of Mystic visited Sunday with the Hefner families. 

JEROME By Miss Susie Sidles

The Seymour Herald - 23 October 1952
  Mr. and Mrs. Edd Bell of Maxwell were Sunday callers at the C. E. Ervin home.
  Mr. and Mrs. Gail Felkner and Dickie spent last week end in East Moline, Ill., with their daughter, Mrs. Junior Cary, and family and with their son, Robert Felkner, and family.
  The school gave a nice program Friday evening. It was on the Halloween theme and the constumes and numbers were very interesting. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Turner of Centerville and their assistant, Miss Beverley Fenton, made recordings that will be sold to any parents who want them.
  After the program they sold pie, candy and coffee. There was a large attendance.
  There was a line call Saturday and the neighbors all assisted Adrian Davis put out a grass fire. It had extended into the corn but did little damage.
  Mr. and Mrs. Donald Owen of Fort Wayne, Ind., spent the week end at the parental Bert Murphy home and Donald assisted K. E. Owen to install television.
  Mr. and Mrs. Gail Felkner, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mincks and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ervin each took a load of young people to Oskaloosa Sunday evening to attend a district youth fellowship rally.
  Leonard Ponsetto of Chicago spent the week end at the parental Joe Ponsetto home. He was accompanied by his brother-in-law, Doyle Gates.
  The Dolly Ramsy family moved to Numa Saturday. Ivan will enter the Numa school.
  The Paul Van Blaricon family closed their home here and have gone to Ottumwa where he is employed for the winter.
  Mrs. Yonovich and son, Tony, returned the first of the week from Sioux City where they had spent a week with the William Yonovich family. It will be remembered the family spent several months here while he was in Korea. He is now stationed in Sioux City and the family is residing at 1719 River Drive Blvd.
  Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Burkett and sons of Des Moines spent Sunday at the W. R. and William Hefner homes.
[Crowded Out Last Week]
  Mrs. Wayne Montgomery and son, Lyndel, spent the week end with the Joe Beer family. Sunday Mrs. Beer accompanied them home for an extended visit.
  There was a large attendance at the farm sale of Mrs. Earl Fry Friday. The W.S.C.S. served lunch and cleared $50. Mrs. Fry will remain on the farm for the present. Her daughter, Mrs. Edward Matilski, continues to be with her. The son, Oscar, has returned to his home in Houston, Texas.
  The Seymour fire department answered a call to the John Scott home last Wednesday. The fire was put out but the interior of the house was damaged extensively.
  Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sidles and sons, Mark and David, spent Sunday at the parental Peter Sidles home.
  Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Jones and son, Frankie, of Des Moines spent Sunday with relatives here.
  Mrs. Ray Deibert of Sac City returned Monday to her home after spending the past week with her sister, Miss Susie Sidles. Mrs. Guy Streepy of Udell spent the week end with them.
  Miss Cadd Hawkins returned to Davenport the last of the week after spending several days at the home here.
  Mrs. Edd Neff of Alliance, Nebr., spend the week end with Mrs. Cora Beer.
  Sunday was Rally Day at the Methodist church and a program was given by the children in charge of Mrs. J. W. Workman and Mrs. James Felkner.
  Miss Ethel Stoner of Seymour spent Friday with Miss Susie Sidles and Mrs. Ray Deibert.
  Mr. and Mrs. James Felkner spent the week end of Oct. 5 with their daughter and family, the Chester Jarnigans, in Des Moines. Sunday they attended Sunday school at the First Methodist church where Jack Shelley was the teacher. They enjoyed the class very much.
  The George Jones family of Davenport spent the week end at the parental Carl Hamm home.
  The youth fellowship will meet Wednesday evening with Dickie Felkner as teacher.

JEROME By Miss Susie Sidles

The Seymour Herald - 2 October 1952
  Miss Susie Sidles is attending the W.S.C.S. North Central Jurisdiction Conference at First Church in Des Moines this week, and is staying with Mrs. J. H. Krenmyre of Woodward.
  Earl Fry passed away at the St. Joseph's hospital in Centerville last Friday and funeral services were held Sunday at the Miller-Wehrle funeral home in Centerville. Burial was in the Felkner cemetery. Their son, Oscar, from Houston, Texas, and their daughter, Mrs. Bettie Matilski, and family of Davenport have been here several days and will be with Mrs. Fry, the former Inez Workman, for some time.
  The Youth Fellowship recently elected officers and Dickey Felkner was reelected president; Donald Inman, vice president; Rowena Rash, recreation chairman; Louise Sidles, historian; Eleanor Darrah, world friendship and Reva Darrah, community service chairman.
  Miss Colleen Hefner of Des Moines spent the week end with her parents.
  W. E. Hawkins and Miss Cadd Hawkins of Davenport spent the week end here and Miss Cadd remained for a longer visit in the Hawkins home.
  Mr. and Mrs. Charley McGavran returned Monday from a two week trip. They visited relatives in Denver, Colo., Shoshone and Boise, Idaho and returned by Yellowstone and the Black Hills.
  A cooperative supper was served at Plano Thursday evening before Dr. Mayberry of Ottumwa conducted the first quarterly meeting. There was a splendid attendance from all three charges.
  Mr. and Mrs. Paul McElvain and three children returned Wednesdy from a five-day trip to Minnesota and a visit with Richard McElvain and family in Duluth, Minn.
  The Reuben Dooley family and Melvin Dooley of Davenport spent the week end here with their parents. 

JEROME By Miss Susie Sidles

The Seymour Herald - 18 September 1952
  Mr. and Mrs. Charley McGavran left Tuesday for a trip in the western states and to visit relatives in Denver, Colo., and Boise, Idaho.
  Mervin Burkett of Des Moines spent from Sunday until Friday at the William Hefner and W. R. Hefner homes. Friday he returned home. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hefner took him to Des Moines and spent the day there. Miss Colleen Hefner returned home with them for the weekend.
  Mr. and Mrs. Warren Streiff and three children of Ohio have spent the past week at the parental Peter Sidles home. They will spend the next few days with the Harry Streiffs in Centerville.
  Mr. and Mrs. James Fox and five children and Jackie Fry of Bettendorf and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hill and children of Canton, Ill., spent the weekend at the I. E. Fry home. They were honoring Mrs. Fry on her birthday. All went to the park in Centerville Sunday for a picnic.
  Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sidles attended the Master Farmers yearly meeting and dinner Sunday at Ames. They were accompanied by their sons, Jim and Pete, who are again enrolled in Iowa State College for their junior year.
  Mr. and Mrs. Bert Murphy went to Ames Sunday to take their son, Bert, who will enter Iowa State College for his first year.
  Miss Mary Hawkins, formerly of Jerome and now of Davenport, also entered college at Ames for her freshman year.
  Mr. and Mrs. Ervin McGavran of Seymour are staying at the Charley McGavran home while they are away.
  Mrs. Gail Felkner, Miss Susie Sidles, Mrs. James Felkner and Mrs. Richard Mincks attended the W.S.C.S. seminar of the Ottumwa district in Centerville Thursday.
  The M.Y.F. will have a guest party at the church Wednesday evening.
  The first meeting of the new year of the W.S.C.S. will be a cooperative dinner, Sept. 25, with Mrs. Forest Workman and Mrs. Scott McDonald as hostesses. Mrs. J. W. Workman will conduct the devotionals and Mrs. Delbert Foster will have the program.
  Kenneth Owen and Miss Dorothy Owen returned Sunday from a weeks fishing trip at the lakes in Minnesota. Mrs. Owen and daughter, Diana, also returned home from Davenport where they had been visiting relatives.
  Friends here where Mrs. Loyd Crouch was raised are very sorry to hear of her death.

Maxine Printy Tharp, 1918-1999

The Unionville Republican [MO] - 1 December 1999
  Maxine Tharp, age 81, of Unionville, MO died on Saturday, November 27, 1999 at the Mercy Medical Center in Centerville, IA. She was born the daughter of Melvin and Bertha Gail (Hixenbaugh) Printy on February 23, 1918 in Walnut City, IA. She graduated from the Plano Community Schools.
  Maxine was united in marriage on November 7, 1936 at Centerville, Iowa to Burdett Tharp. She was a homemaker. Maxine was a member of the Mt. Herman United Methodist Church near Unionville, MO, where she was a Sunday School Superintendent.
  Maxine was preceded in death by: an infant daughter; brotghers, Alvin T. Printy, Charles Printy and Mervin Printy; sister, Ruby Morris.
  Surviving family members are: husband, Burdett Tharp of Unionville, MO; son, Paul and his wife, Helen Tharp of Shawnee, KS; daughters, Gail and her husband, Ivan Wray of Numa, Iowa, Sharon and her husband, Jim Burns of Exline, Iowa and Margaret Stottlemyre of Unionville, MO; sisters, Margaret Hartman of Athens, GA; Bernice King of Chariton, Iowa and Anna Swan of Promise City, Iowa; brothers, Emmett Printy of Mesa, AZ; Lewis Printy of Melrose, Iowa and Robert Printy of Maple Plain, MN; 14 grandchildren; 15 great grandchildren and 3 great great grandchildren.
  Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, December 1, 1999 at 1:30 pm at the Schmidt Family Funeral Home in Centerville, IA, with the Rev. Harley Kennedy officiating. Burial will follow in the Jerome Cemetery in Jerome, IA.
  Visitation was held from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm Tuesday, November 30, 1999 at the Schmidt Family Funeral Home in Centerville, IA. The family received friends between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm.
  Memorial contributions may be given to First Responders Building Fund and left at or mailed to the Schmidt Family Funeral Homes, 501 North 18th Street, Centerville, IA 52544.

Burdett Otto Tharp, 1915-2002

The Unionville Republican [MO] - 17 April 2002 &
Ad-Express/Iowegian - 15 April 2002
  Burdett Otto Tharp, age 86, of Unionville, MO, died Thursday, April 11, 2002 at the Kirksville Manor Care Center in Kirksville, MO. 
  He was born on July 29, 1915 in Numa, Iowa, the son of Harry and Anna Mae (Ewurs) Tharp. He received his education in Numa Community Schools.
  Burdett was united in marriage to Maxine Printy on November 7, 1936 in Centerville, Iowa. He worked in the coal mines and was a farmer. He was baptized at the North Bend Christian Church and attended the Mt. Hermon Methodist Church.
  He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, Maxine Tharp on November 27, 1999, one daughter in infancy; one brother, Paul Tharp and one sister, Bessie Hixenbaugh.
  Survivors include son, Paul Tharp and his wife, Helen of Longmont, CO; daughters, Gail Wray and her husband, Ivan of Numa, IA, Sharon Burns and her husband, Jim of Exline, IA and Margaret Stottlemyre of Unionville, MO; 14 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; 5 great-great-grandchildren and one sister, Berniece Butler of Centerville, IA.
  Funeral services were held on Monday, April 15, 2002 at 10:30 a.m. at the Schmidt Family Funeral Home in Centerville, IA with Rev. Robert Peck of Grace Tabernacle Baptist Church officiating. Burial followed at the Jerome Cemetery in Jerome, Iowa.
  Visitation was held on Sunday, April 14, 2002 from 1:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at the Schmidt Family Funeral Home in Centerville, IA with the family present from 6:00 p.m. until 8 p.m. Sunday evening.
  Memorial can be made to the Griffensville Historical Marker and left at or mailed to the Schmidt Family Funeral Home, 501 N. 18th St., Centerville, Iowa 52544.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Online Resources for History Research

Online Resources for Local and Family History Research
Related to Appanoose County, Iowa

Cemetery Records

Cemetery Records

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Local Histories of Appanoose County

An Annotated Bibliography 
of Local History for Appanoose County IA
  • Abbott, Larry R.  A Cultural Resource Survey of the Proposed Mystic Sewerage Project, Mystic, Iowa [Iowa City, IA: Office of the State Archaeologist, 1977] 19 pages
  • "Appanoose County, Iowa," Hawkeye Heritage, Volume 2, No. 1 (Winter 1967), pp. 7-30.  Historical Notes, Index of Heads of Family 1850 Appanoose County Census, Abandoned Towns of Appanoose County, 1852 Census - Appanoose County, Early Appanoose County Marriages, Cemetery Inscriptions: Farmer, Farley, Salem, Perjue, Porter & Thomasson Cemeteries.
  • "Appanoose County, Iowa," Hawkeye Heritage, Volume 2, No. 2 (April 1967), pp. 56-80. Index to Probate Records 1846-1855, Land Patents Prior to 1856, Cemetery Inscriptions: Thomasson, Felkner, Mt. Ararat & Livingston Cemeteries.
  • Appanoose County Genealogy Society. 1986 Appanoose County History Book Index [Centerville, IA: Appanoose County Genealogy Society, 1990] 183 pages
  • Appanoose County Genealogy Society. Early Pioneer Stories [Centerville, IA: Appanoose County Genealogy Society, 19??] 169 pages. Articles originally published in the Progress Anniversary Edition of the Centerville Daily Iowegian, 10 January 1934 [73 pages].
  • Appanoose Courthouse Centennial Committee. Appanoose County 1904-2004 - A Proud Heritage, A Promising Future [Centerville, IA: Appanoose Courthouse Centennial Committee, August 2004] 47 pages.
  • Arnold, John. A Pictorial History of Appanoose County, Iowa [Marceline, MO: D-Books Publishing, Inc., 1996] 127 pages
  • Aurner, Clarence Ray.  History of Education in Iowa [Iowa City, IA: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1914] Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4 and Volume 5.  Online @ Internet Archive.
  • Aurner, Clarence Ray.  History of Township Government in Iowa  [Iowa City, IA: State Historical Society of Iowa, 1914] Ph.D. Thesis, University of Iowa. 299 pages. Online @ Google Books.
  • Ballanger, Linda.  "Coal Mine, Brick Kiln were Big Businesses of the Town," unidentified newspaper clipping about Livingston, Franklin Township, Appanoose County, Iowa, in Louise Harl's Scrapbook [FHL US/CAN Film #1007930, Item #9] [Salt Lake City, UT: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 19??]  Online @ The Jerome Journal.
  • Beck, Robert Knowlton.  100th Anniversary - Iowa Trust and Savings Bank, Centerville, Iowa, 1896-1996 [Centerville, IA: Iowa Trust and Savings Bank, 1996]  56 pages.
  • Beck, Robert Knowlton.  History of Rathbun Dam [Centerville, IA: Robert Beck, 2002] 54 pages
  • Biographical and Historical Record of Wayne and Appanoose Counties, Iowa: Containing...a condensed history of the state of Iowa; portraits and biographies of the governors of the territory and state; engravings of prominent citizens in Wayne and Appanoose counties, with personal histories of many of the leading families, and a concise history of Wayne and Appanoose counties... [Chicago, IL: Inter-state Publishing Co., 1886] Online @ Internet Archive 
  • Black, Susan Easton and William G. Hartley. The Iowa Mormon Trail: Legacy of Faith and Courage [Orem, UT: Helix, 1997] 268 pages
  • Blumenstock, Mrs. Fred, Mrs. D. E. Bishop and Mrs. Karl E. Tuttle. Moravia History [S.N.: S.I.,1976] 84 pages
  • Brooke, George M.  School Consolidation in Appanoose County  [Thesis (M.S.), Des Moines, IA: Drake University, 1946] 43 pages
  • Bunting, Richard Bruce.  A Plan of School Reorganization for Appanoose County, Iowa, 1958  [Thesis (M.S.), Des Moines, IA: Drake University, 1958] 128 pages
  • Centerville Daily Iowegian and Citizen. Old Centerville Newspapers from the Collection of Mrs. G. W. Randle, Pasadena, California [S.I.: S.N., 1952] 52 pages
  • Chatterly, L. Matthew and Iowa Mormon Trail Association. Explore Iowa's Historic Mormon Trails: The Beginnings of the Largest Human Migration in U.S. History [S.I.: Iowa Mormon Trail Association, 1998] 27 pages
  • Cleaver, Garner, and David Costello. The Story of Unionville, Iowa, 1843-1993, with Visions of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow [S.N.: S.I., 1993]
  • Corder, Russell. Hard Times: Life and Labor in the Mining Camps of Southern Appanoose County, Iowa and Northern Schuyler County, Missouri  [Thesis (M.A.), Maryville, MO: Northeast Missouri State University, 1994] 73 pages
  • Corder, Russell. The Confederate Invasion of Iowa [Unionville, IA: Russell Corder, 1997] 30 pages
  • Cortesio, Frank R., Jr. A Survey of the Educational School Districts in Appanoose County, Iowa, for Reorganization  [Thesis (M.S.), Des Moines, IA: Drake University, August 1952] 55 pages
  • County Atlas, Appanoose County, Iowa [Des Moines, IA: W. E. Walter & Co., 1908] 40 pages
  • Dial, Denise Lorraine.  Railroad Promotion in Davis and Appanoose Counties, Iowa, 1865-1880 [Thesis (M.A.), Maryville, MO: Northeast Missouri State University, 1992] 77 pages
  • Ellis, Christine [Katherine Hyndman]. "People Who Cannot Be Bought," Rank and File - Personal Histories by Working Class Organizers, edited by Alice Lynd and Staughton Lynd [New York: Monthly Review Press,1988], pp. 1-25.  Christine Ellis writes about immigrating from Croatia to the USA and living in Jerome and Rathbun, Iowa, as a youth.
  • Faber, Inez McAlister.  Out Here on Soap Creek: An Autobiography [Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1982] 180 pages
  • Fenton, Alva Raymond. Adult Education in Appanoose County, Iowa [Manuscript, M.A. Thesis/Dissertation, University of Iowa, 1938]
  • Fisk, James, Compiled by.  The Village of Livingston in Franklin Twp [2004]
  • Fisk, James. The Waubonsie Trail Across Iowa [Centerville, IA: James Fisk, 2004] 12 pages
  • Fitzpatrick, T. J. Place Names of Appanoose County, Iowa [American Speech, Volume III, No. 1, October 1927, pp. 39-66; Published by Duke University Press] [Reprinted: Centerville, IA: Appanoose County Genealogical Society, 1987] 30 pages.  Online @JSTOR [MCPL] 
  • Franzwe, Gregory M. and the United States National Park Service. The Morman Trail Revisited [Tooele, UT: Patrice Press, 2007] 254 pages
  • Galenson, David W. and Clayne L. Pope.  Economic and Geographic Mobility on the Farming Frontier: Evidence from Appanoose County, Iowa, 1850-1870 [The Journal of Economic History, Volume 49, No. 3, September 1989, pp. 635-655; Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Economic History Association] 21 pages. Online @JSTOR [MCPL]
  • Gorden, Willis G., and Richard Gorden. A Step Back in Time: Plano, Iowa [Plano, IA: W. & R. Gorden, 1998] 179 pages
  • Gorden, Willis G., and Richard Gorden. Biographical Records of Residents of Johns Township and Surrounding Areas  [Appanoose and Wayne Counties] [Privately Published, 2003-2004] Sources: History of Appanoose County, Iowa [Chicago: Western Historical Co., 1878] and newspaper clippings from the scrapbooks of Thelma Dearing, Mrs. Jean Curtis, Vera Boyer, Leota Cooper and Eleanor Jones. 217 pages
  • Heusinkveld, Willis M. 101 Historical Sketches of Pioneer Days in Appanoose County:  Written for the Centerville Iowegian from July 2002 to July 2004 [Centerville, IA: Willis M. Heusinkveld, 2004] 100 pages
  • Heusinkveld, Willis M. A History of Centerville, Iowa From Its Earliest Beginnings Throughout the Years [Centerville, IA: Willis M. Heusinkveld, 2009] 132 pages
  • Heusinkveld, Willis M. Cemeteries of Appanoose County, Iowa [Centerville, IA: Willis M. Heusinkveld, 1999] 96 pages 
  • Heusinkveld, Willis M. Civil War History of Nine Iowa Companies [Centerville, IA: Willis M. Heusinkveld, 2007] 30 pages
  • Heusinkveld, Willis M. Historic Homes of Centerville, Iowa [Centerville, IA: Willis M. Heusinkveld, 2004] 42 pages
  • Heusinkveld, Willis M. Appanoose County Historical Atlas [Centerville, IA: Appanoose County Sesquicentennial Commission, 1996] 38 pages. Online @ Appanoose County, Iowa, Engineer's Map Site.
  • Heusinkveld, Willis M. The History of Coal Mining In Appanoose County, Iowa [Centerville, IA: Willis M. Heusinkveld, 2007] 126 pages
  • Heusinkveld, W. M., Editor. Mormon Trails Across Appanoose County, Iowa [Centerville, IA: Appanoose County Mormon Trail Association, 1995] 79 pages
  • Heusinkveld, Willis M. A Pictorial History of Towns of Appanoose County, Past and Present, including Monuments of Ghost Towns by O. R. Parks [Centerville, IA: Willis M. Heusinkveld, 2003] 98 pages
  • Heusinkveld, Willis M., Compiled by. This Day in Iowa History [Centerville, IA: Appanoose County Sesquicentennial Commission, 1995] 43 pages
  • Hurley, Mary Ann, Curt Oden and Jolen Oden, Editors. Exline History 1996: Exline, Iowa [Exline, IA: Exline Historical Society, 1996] 258 pages
  • Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station. Soil Survey of Iowa. Report no. 53, Appanoose County Soils [Ames, IA: Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, 1928] 62 pages
  • Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station. Soil Survey of Appanoose County, Iowa [Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1928] 
  • Iowa State Planning Board. An Approach to County Planning, Appanoose County [Des Moines, IA: Iowa State Planning Board, 1936] 204 pages. Online @ Appanoose County Planning and Zoning Homepage
  • Iowa State Planning Board. The Industrial History of Appanoose County [Des Moines, IA: Iowa State Planning Board, Committee on Business and Industry, 1935] 58 pages
  • Iowa State Planning Board. Report on Zoning and Planning: Appanoose County, Iowa [Des Moines, IA: Iowa State Planning Board, Zoning and Planning Division, 1935]
  • Jerome Reunion Committee.  Memories of Jerome, Iowa - 1989 [Jerome, IA: Jerome Reunion Committee, 1989] 48 pages
  • Johnson, Helen Taylor. Rural School Memories - Appanoose County, Iowa [Centerville, IA: Helen Taylor Johnson, 2003] 525 pages
  • Johnson, M. Ruth, Compiler.  Appanoose County, Iowa: Postoffices and Postmasters From 1846 to 1988 [Centerville, IA: Privately Printed, 1988]  Microfilm and Other Research by Milo R. Murphy; Information taken from official records and believed to be correct. 30 pages. 
  • Jones, Mark H.  Inventory of County Records: Appanoose County [Iowa City, IA: County Records Project, Iowa State Historical Department, Division of the State Historical Society, 1978] 47 pages
  • Lewis, S. Thompson, Editor.  Biographical and Genealogical History of Appanoose and Monroe Counties, Iowa [Chicago, IL: Lewis Publishing Co., 1903] [Reprinted: La Crosse, WI: Brookhaven Press, 2001] Online @ Google Book Project; Online @ Internet Archive 
  • Merritt, Fred D.  The Early History of Banking in Iowa  Ph.D. Thesis, University of Iowa, 1900.  Published in Studies in Sociology, Economics, etc., Volume 2, No. 1 [Iowa City, IA: The University Press, 1900] Online @ Internet Archive.
  • Mystic Centennial Committee, Ida Maletta and Dorothy Zaputel, Co-chairmen. History of Mystic, Iowa, 1887-1987 [Mystic, IA: Centennial Committee, 1987] 84 pages
  • Moulton Historical Society. The Chronicle of Moulton, Iowa and Its Surrounding Countryside [Moulton, IA: Moulton Historical Society, 1978] 346 pages
  • Murphy, Milo R. The Birth and Demise of Brazil [Brazil, IA: M. R. Murphy, 1985] 373 pages
  • Naumann, Molly Myers.  National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Documentation Form: Architectural & Historical Resources of Centerville, Iowa: The Impact of County Seat Designation, 1846-c1946 [Washington, DC: United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1997] Online @ National Park Service
  • People of Appanoose County, Iowa; Compiled by the Appanoose County Historical Society. Appanoose County, Iowa, Compiled in 1984-1985 [Dallas, TX: Taylor Publishing Co., 1986] 337 pages
  • Promise City: One of a Kind Since 1856 - Sesquicentennial Book 1856-2006 [Jondle Publishing, an affiliate of MJ & BJ Enterprises, Inc., 2006]
  • Rinehart, Lorraine Hammond, and Rosalie Sweeden Mullinix, Compiled by. "Folks, Facts, Fables" of Iconium, Iowa, from 1854-1981 [Iconium, IA: Lorraine Rinehart and Rosalie Mullinix, 1981] 142 pages
  • Sayres, Anna Langford (Mrs. Harold). History of Numa, Iowa, Including Hibbsville and Bellair, 1850-1960 [Centerville, IA: Iowegian Printing Co., May, 1960] 43 pages
  • Sayres, Anna Langford (Mrs. Harold). Homecoming, Bellair 1854 and Numa 1864 [S.N.: S.I., 1964] 42 pages
  • Stamps, Maurice. Shoal Creek Legends [Seymour, IA: The Seymour Community Club, April 2007] Originally published as articles in The Seymour Herald.  95 pages
  • Stamps, Maurice. More Shoal Creek Legends [Seymour, IA: The Seymour Community Club, August 2007] Originally published as articles in The Seymour Herald. 89 pages
  • Stamps, Maurice. Shoal Creek Legends 3 [Seymour, IA: Seymour Community Club, 2009; Printed in USA by 48HrBooks] Originally pubished as articles in The Seymour Herald. 204 pages
  • Taylor, L. L., Editor. Past and Present of Appanoose County, Iowa: A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement - Two Volumes [Chicago, IL: S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1913] [Reprinted: La Crosse, WI: Brookhaven Press, 2000] Online @ Google Book Project - Volume 1, Volume 2; Online @ Internet Archive - Volume 1, Volume 2
  • The History of Appanoose County, Iowa: Containing a History of the County, Its Cities, Towns, &c., A Biographical Directory of Citizens, War Record of Its Volunteers in the Late Rebellion, General and Local Statistics, Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men, History of the Northwest, History of Iowa, Map of Appanoose County, Constitution of the United States, Miscellaneous Matters, &c. [Chicago, IL: Western Historical Co., 1878] 624 pages. Online @ Google Book Project; Online @ Internet Archive 
  • "Tour of Iowa Counties: Appanoose County," Daily State Register, 10-11-12 February 1869. 10th: General Description, Streams, Timber, Minerals--Surface and Soil--Production; 11th: History, County Officers, etc.--Educational Matters--Railroads--Manufacturing--The Press; 12th: Statistics--Real Estate--Towns and Villages. Online @ GenealogyBank [MCPL]
  • Weldon, Mrs. Max, Editor. Cincinnati Memories, 1875-1975 [Cincinnati, IA: Cincinnati Labor Day Committee, 1975] 97 pages 
  • Worth, Goldie, Compiler.  The History of Medicine in Appanoose County [Presented to Appanoose County Medical Society, November 1962] With Supplemental Material Including Index and Pictures of Doctors by W. M. Heusinkveld in October 2009.