Sunday, November 7, 2010

JEROME - 30 March 1944

The Seymour Herald - 30 March 1944
  Mrs. Maurine Streepy of Udell spent last week with her sister, Miss Susie Sidles.
  John Padovan of Numa was a business caller here on Wednesday.
  Mrs. Iris Holmes was visiting on Sunday at the Roy Glenn home.
  Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nichols and two children, Ida and Sharon Kay, spent Sunday in Confidence with Mrs. Nichols' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes.
  Howard Hart spent Sunday with his daughter Mrs. W. R. Hefner and family.
  Mrs. Wm. Hefner, Miss Susie Sidles and Mrs. Maurine Streepy attended the five cent dinner at the Methodist church in Mystic last Thursday.
  Shirley Carpenter of Promise City is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Glenn.
  The W.S.C.S. meets this Thursday for an all day meeting with a co-operative dinner.
  Mr. and Mrs. Ray Evans have as their guests their daughter and husband from Chicago to spend the week.
  Mrs. Roy Glenn and Carol and Shirley Carpenter spent Sunday at the Rowe home near Sewal.
  Friday night, March 31, the family night service with a co-operative supper at 7 o'clock will be held at the Methodist church. Rev. Gatewood, pastor of the Methodist church in Centerville, will be the guest speaker following the supper hour.
  Several families from here attended the farm bureau box social in Centerville last Tuesday evening the proceeds were given to the Red Cross.

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