Saturday, November 6, 2010

JEROME - 27 January 1944

The Seymour Herald - 27 January 1944
  The Roy Glenn family spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Holmes near Centerville. Mrs. Glenn's knee, injured from a fall, is improved but she still suffers a great deal.
  Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hefner and son, W. R. Hefner, spent Sunday p.m. at the Donald Forsythe home in Mystic. Mrs. Forsythe is ill with a heart ailment.
  Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Jones and son Frankee, of Ottumwa spent Sunday at the B. A. Morrison home.
  Mr. and Mrs. Forest Workman spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lowe in Numa.
  Miss Susie Sidles and Mrs. G. D. Mincks accompanied Rev. and Mrs. Gonzolez of Mystic to Des Moines on Wednesday to attend the Bishop's Crusade. 1400 people were present during the day.
  Mrs. W. E. Hawkins and children of Seymour spent Sunday at the Wm. Hawkins home here.
  Mr. and Mrs. C. Carpenter and daughter Shirley, came from Baraboo, Wisc., last Thursday and are spending a few days at the Roy Glenn home. Mrs. Carpenter was the former Eleanor Glenn.
  The Methodist church will have a cooperative supper followed by a preaching service on Friday evening, Jan. 28 at seven o'clock.
  Mrs. Wm. and W. R. Hefner spent last Friday with Mrs. Wm. Oughten in Centerville.
  Miss Joan Morris spent the past weekend with her sister, Mrs. Merrill Condra near Numa. 

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