Saturday, December 18, 2010

JEROME News - 7 June 1894

Daily Iowegian - 7 June 1894
  Dr Kirkpatrick, of Plano, was over Wednesday and purchased some paint; the Dr is fixing up his office.
  Jerome's ball team went over to Seymour Wednesday and did the Seymour boys up to a finish.
  D D Wilson is building an addition to his house.
  The revival meetings in the tent are well attended and much good is being done services every night at 7:45.
   Jerome is not behind her sister cities in the way of lending a helping hand. We have one of the best Ladies Aid Societies in the state, Mrs Pendergast is president. Meetings are held every Thursday afternoon, meeting this week at the church to clean it up and a large attendance is desired. The ladies also invite the men to come and help as there is some heavy work to be done, carrying water, &c.
  Ball game Friday between Gladstone and New Chicago resulted in Gladstone wiping out New Chicago. The boys now say they are ready to wipe the earth with old Chicago.
  The Jerome Clover Club gave a dance in Allen's new Hall, Friday night; Philby family of Brazil furnished the music which was the finest ever rendered in our city and every one was well pleased and are anxious for another ball.
  Doc Cashman has bought the billiard and pool table and is running the place in the Greenbank building.
  Mr Greenbank moved his barber shop and jewelry stock to Mystic.
  Prof Taylor of Centerville, was in Jerome Friday on business.
  Mr Fox of Numa has the contract for laying the foundation of Mr Hogan's [Hagan's] building.
  Mr Chas Crego of Centerville left his trained dog here last week. We understand the city marshal took it for a bear and shot it but the wound was only skin deep and the dog is still performing those wonderful feats learned to it by its master. We understand Charley has some trained horses, one fast one he purchased in Chicago.
  Mrs Jess Swan of Plano, was a Jerome visitor Monday and while here purchased a bill of paint of Forsythe & Co.
  Dr Hall visited Sunday at Chariton with his class-mate Dr Brown.
  Mr E A White reports the lumber trade good.
  Dr Hall has built him a new barn and has one of Bashaw & Cushman's new buggies. We think the Dr made a wise choice in buying from a firm that do their own work and by so doing give employment to the citizen of our own county.

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