Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Thomas Peter Welsh, 1894-1953

The Star [Chicago Heights, IL] - 27 February 1953
  Thomas P. Welsh, 58, of 1359 Ridge road, Homewood, World War I veteran, died at Hines
Veterans hospital suddenly on Tuesday. Final rites are to be held tomorrow at the Cordt funeral  home in Homewood at one p. m.
  The Rev. C. T. Garriott, pastor of St. Paul Community church of Homewood, will officiate. Interment will be in Hazelwood cemetery. The Homewood American Legion and VFW posts will conduct military rites.
  Mr. Welsh was born In Jerome, Iowa, on April 3, 1894. He lived In Homewood for approximately 30 years. On December 19, 1917, Mr. Welsh enlisted in the army and served as a corporal with Company K of the 327th infantry regiment. He was discharged en May 27, 1919.
  Surviving are his wife, Leona; one daughter, Mrs. Annies Blum of Homewood; four sons,  Arthur, Robert, and William, of Homewood and Thomas of Chicago Heights;  four grandchildren; his mother, Mrs. Anna Welsh of Peoria, and three brothers.
  Note: According to the Thornton Family Tree on Ancestry.com:  Thomas Peter Welsh was born in Jerome, Appanoose County, Iowa, on 3 April 1894, son of Peter Welsh [1869-1939] and Anise Mae Marshall [1872-1960] and married in Illinois in 1920 Leona Higgins who was born in Fulton County, Illinois, on 10 March 1897.  Their son, Robert G. Welsh was born in Illinois on 9 November 1922 and died in Sacramento, California, on 28 October 1972.

From the Purely Personal Column in the Iowegian

Iowegian - May 1894
  Rev. C. W. Powelson of Mt. Pleasant was on our streets Monday and Tuesday renewing old acquaintances.
  H. B. Williams and Rev. C. W. Powelson went to Memphis Tennessee on Tuesday to attend a Methodist Conference.
  J. A. Elliot and mother were called to Moulton yesterday by the death of S. S. Buckmaster, who was an uncle of J. A.'s. 
  P. H.  Bradley our county superintendent of schools was in Ottumwa the first of the week attending a convention of Superintendents.
  Peter Sidles of Jerome was a caller the latter part of the week. Mr. Sidles has recently returned from a trip through the southwest. He visited Concordia, Kansas, where he has a daughter living, and also stopped awhile at Wichita. From there he went to Enid and other points in Oklahoma. He reports that country as suffering some for want of rain and on the whole not equal to old Appanoose.

Mary Norris' Farewell Party - September 1895

Iowegian - September 1895
  The home of Jacob Norris Saturday evening was the scene of the most pleasant affair of the season. Miss Mary will leave for Sioux City where she will engage in teaching school during the year. It was given in her honor and under her charming supervision the evening was made one of greatest enjoyment to all. The spacious parlor was thrown open to the pleasures of music, both instrumental and vocal.  Delicate refreshments were served and the evening passed quickly by and only at a late hour were the guests willing to bid their farewells, wishing Miss Norris success. The guests who were so well entertained were: Misses Mable Kewley, Thena Russell, Alice Brown, Maggie Dukes, Maud Kewley, Daisy Coleman, Ida Dukes, Ida Coleman, Alice Dukes, Glendora Norris, Phrabe Norris. Messrs John Dukes, Fred Johnson, Will Payne. Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Russell.

George F. Shaw and Ollie White Wed

Iowegian - 28 March 1895
  A quiet, but very pretty wedding was that of Mr. Geo. F. Shaw, of Centerville, and Miss Ollie White, which was solemnized by Rev. Handy, of Mystic, at the home of the bride's parents at this place Wednesday afternoon at 3:30. The groom is one of Centerville's best young men, while the bride is one of Jerome's best and most highly respected young ladies. Both the bride and groom have scores of friends in this vicinity who will join the Leader in wishing the newly married couple a pleasant sail upon the matrimonial sea. They will make their home in Centerville, where Mr. Shaw has employment with the Lewis Lumber Co. -- Jerome Correspondent, Seymour Leader

State of Iowa vs Paddy Lafferty

Iowegian - April 1895
  State of Iowa vs Paddy Lafferty, of Jerome, was called in the District court the first of the week.  Paddy was charged with being a dispenser of "Red-eyed-ruin" and failed to produce witnesses enough to convince the jury of his innocence. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. Sentence has not been pronounced.

Coal Consolidation - The Mystic Coal Field - 1895

Iowegian - April 1895
  Word was given out on Saturday that all the coal mines on the Milwaukee road from Darbyville to Jerome had consolidated under the name of the "Mystic Coal Field," and includes a total of twenty-three mines. The entire output will be controlled by the company, the officers of which are: W. H. Holcomb, president; John B. Hughes, vice president and general manager and D. C. Bradley, secretary and treasurer. The board of directors are W. H. Holcomb, G. D. French, Alex Orr, J. E. Lee, Joseph Goss, J. L. Ludwick and John  B. Hughes.
The Earlington Bee [KY] - 16 May 1895
  "The Mystic Coal Field," at Mystic, Iowa, has been organized. This is the largest organization for the mining and marketing of coal in Iowa, and perhaps in the West.  In it are consolidated fifteen Companies, operating twenty-three mines at eight different towns, with an output of over 1,000,000 tons of coal a year. It was organized for the purpose of keeping up the price of coal and economizing in operating.

Civil War Veterans Reunion - 1895

Iowegian - 1895
  As usual, the county reunion brought a large crowd out on Thursday last. The old soldiers and their wives and families came in to enjoy the occasion and the time until 1:30 was spent in social intercourse. The day was fine and all seemed to enjoy the occasion very much. The afternoon meeting was presided over by Post Commander C. A. Stanton and was address by Hon. G. W. Wyckoff, Comrades L. G. Parker, W. D. Kinser, J. C. McDonald, Noah M. Scott, C. R. Jackson, Peter Sidles and perhaps others and lasted till about four. The camp fire at nigh was opened by some rousing patriotic songs led by Prof Taylor and Prof Wilson and was opened by a short address by the presiding officer who introduced Gen. A. J. Baker who made an address of perhaps thirty minutes. General Baker was followed by Comrades W. W. Elliott, J. J. Stone, J. C. McDonald, J. W. Shaw, Mrs. T. M. Fee, who in addition to a rousing speech, recited a patriotic poem, John Elliott, J. G. Barrows, S. C. James and H. H. Wright.  This occupied the time till ten o'clock when the audience was dismissed with the benediction by Elder L. G. Parker. It was an enjoyable occasion and we hope to see it repeated in the near future.

Rev Paul McBeth & Miss Olive Swan Married

Iowegian - September 1895
  Rev. Paul McBeth and Miss Olive Swan of Plano were united in marriage at the M E parsonage on north Main street last Friday night. Rev. Cowan performing the ceremony. Rev. McBeth and wife left at once for their new home in Libertyville, where he has charge of the Methodist Episcopal church at that place. 

Monday, December 20, 2010

William Francis Duncan, 1901-1952

Northwest Arkansas Times - 22 December 1952
Fayetteville, Arkansas
  Rogers [Special] -- William Francis Duncan, member of the Rogers City Council, died at 1 o'clock this morning [22 December 1952] in the Rogers Memorial Hospital after an illness of about three months.  He was born in [Johns Township], Appanoose County, Iowa, [on 21 February 1901], son of Francis [Marion] and Delilah McCurn [McKern] Duncan, and came to Rogers in 1936 from Illinois. He had been general sales supervisor of Consolidated Product Company, Danville, IN, for the past 19 years. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge and a Shriner. 
  Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Irene [Dorothy Dugan] Duncan; a daughter, Patricia, of the home; a son, Howard Duncan of Liberal, Kan.; and four sisters: Mrs. B. O. Buck of Nuna [Numa], Iowa, and Mrs. O. L. Frye, Mrs. Joe Doinsetto [Ponsetto], and Mrs. William Brown, all of Jerome, Iowa.
  Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow at 3 p.m. in the Callison-Porter Funeral Chapel by the Rev. Alfred Gerdel, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in Rogers Cemetery.
  Note: According to OneWorldTree on Ancestry.com, William Francis Duncan married in September 1939 in Rogers, Arkansas, Irene Dorothy Dugan who was born 24 December 1917 in Montrose, Henry County, Missouri, daughter of Thomas Henry Dugan and Etta May Hendrick, and died 22 May 1980 in Springfield, Missouri.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

JEROME News - 1 September 1894

Daily Iowegian - 1 September 1894
  Mr Editor, after a vacation of a few weeks your Jerome correspondent will endeavor to write you some news.
  The republican township convention was held Saturday and the convention chose Frank Teagarden, secretary and Peter Sidles chairman, Ad Pendergast, Dr Hall, E A White, John Caldwell and Donald Forsythe were chosen delegates. The delegates are solid for John Stephenson for clerk and feel confident John will win as he is abundantly qualified and deserving of the office as he has always been a good republican.
  Drs Bowen and Pullman, of Centerville, were Jerome visitors with Dr Hall Sunday.
  Donald Forsythe is still on his east run.
  Miss Katie Counley, of Gladstone, broke her arm Sunday. Drs Hall and Bowen were called to set it.
  The new restaurant is now completed and is one of the finest in the county.
  Jim Buck is building a fine new residence and has it rented.
  Jim Barton is building an addition to his hotel.
  The Odd Fellows have organized a lodge and will be installed early in September. They have rented Allen's Hall and have twenty-five charter members.
  There are quite a few sick with typhoid fever.
  Drs Hall, Bowen and Pullman were guests of Dr Cover of Seymour, Sunday. The Dr is building up a good practice in that growing little city and is meeting with the best of success. 

JEROME News - 19 July 1894

Daily Iowegian - 19 July 1894
  Dr Kirkpatrick, of Plano, was a Jerome visitor Sunday.
  Geo Martin, of Plano, was in Jerome Sunday.
  Thomas Goss, of Centerville, was a Jerome visitor Sunday and Monday.
  Clay Wright, Chas Whitsell, Jim Shirey and Misses Mollie Pratt and Ella Cole visited Jerome Sunday.
  Mr Lige Canfield has built him a cave and expects to be prepared for the next cyclone.
  Robert Forsythe Sr, of Mystic, was up Friday and Saturday and did the tin work on the new school house.
  Dr A O Cover, of Seymour, was a Jerome visitor this week.
  Mr J C Forsythe, of What Cheer, was a Jerome visitor last week.
  Mines No 2 and Big 4 started up Wednesday of last week and work is good and everybody is happy.
  E A White has built a new barn.
  Geo Ross and family attended the meeting at Numa Saturday and Sunday and report a good time.
  Miss Lizzie Forsythe, of Mystic, and Miss Jennie Ross, of Gladstone, were Jerome visitors Friday.
  Mr Woods has opened up a meat market. Mr Hardy will soon open up a new one also.
  Our hay crop was very light this year but corn is looking well and if we only get rain will have a large crop.
  Mr John Stephenson is growing ....

JEROME News - 17 June 1894

Daily Iowegian - 17 June 1894
  Dr Sawyers & Bowen were in Jerome on professional business last Friday, called in counsel of Dr Hall.
  Donald and Robert Forsythe were in Jerome on business Saturday.
  Meetings are held in tent Thursday and Sunday evenings.
  John White and family visited in Mystic over Sunday.
  The Hotel de Hazelwood is at last completed and is now recognized by the traveling public as the best hotel along the Milwaukee road.
  We are going to have a big time the 4th, Promise City band has been engaged to furnish music, there are several ladies in this band and we know that the boys will all come to Jerome, the Numa and Jerome Glee Club will furnish music also; two games of Base ball, Jerome vs Sewell and Seymour, grand street parade from square to Sidles' fine grove north of town, foot races, egg races, balloon ascension, climbing of greased .... creased pig, ....

JEROME News - 7 June 1894

Daily Iowegian - 7 June 1894
  Dr Kirkpatrick, of Plano, was over Wednesday and purchased some paint; the Dr is fixing up his office.
  Jerome's ball team went over to Seymour Wednesday and did the Seymour boys up to a finish.
  D D Wilson is building an addition to his house.
  The revival meetings in the tent are well attended and much good is being done services every night at 7:45.
   Jerome is not behind her sister cities in the way of lending a helping hand. We have one of the best Ladies Aid Societies in the state, Mrs Pendergast is president. Meetings are held every Thursday afternoon, meeting this week at the church to clean it up and a large attendance is desired. The ladies also invite the men to come and help as there is some heavy work to be done, carrying water, &c.
  Ball game Friday between Gladstone and New Chicago resulted in Gladstone wiping out New Chicago. The boys now say they are ready to wipe the earth with old Chicago.
  The Jerome Clover Club gave a dance in Allen's new Hall, Friday night; Philby family of Brazil furnished the music which was the finest ever rendered in our city and every one was well pleased and are anxious for another ball.
  Doc Cashman has bought the billiard and pool table and is running the place in the Greenbank building.
  Mr Greenbank moved his barber shop and jewelry stock to Mystic.
  Prof Taylor of Centerville, was in Jerome Friday on business.
  Mr Fox of Numa has the contract for laying the foundation of Mr Hogan's [Hagan's] building.
  Mr Chas Crego of Centerville left his trained dog here last week. We understand the city marshal took it for a bear and shot it but the wound was only skin deep and the dog is still performing those wonderful feats learned to it by its master. We understand Charley has some trained horses, one fast one he purchased in Chicago.
  Mrs Jess Swan of Plano, was a Jerome visitor Monday and while here purchased a bill of paint of Forsythe & Co.
  Dr Hall visited Sunday at Chariton with his class-mate Dr Brown.
  Mr E A White reports the lumber trade good.
  Dr Hall has built him a new barn and has one of Bashaw & Cushman's new buggies. We think the Dr made a wise choice in buying from a firm that do their own work and by so doing give employment to the citizen of our own county.

JEROME News - 31 May 1894

Daily Iowegian - 31 May 1894
  Dr Sawyers & Bowen of Centerville and Dr Kirkpatrick of Plano and Dr Hall of Jerome operated on Mr L Buck last Friday. Mr Buck had his back broke in one of the mines. He is improving slowly.
  Jerome is in the midst of a revival. Mr White has erected a large tent and there will be preaching for a month; some noted evangelist from Kansas City will help him. The meetings began Sunday night with a large crowd.
  The mayor of Mystic received a bogus telegram Sunday that the Missouri branch of Kelly's army were on their way to Mystic by wagon road the mayor sent the marshal up Sunday but he failed to find any  of Kelley's followers, so the mayor came up Monday and he also was in the soup. We congratulate Mystic on having such bright officers.
  Mr Elvin Ivans [Owen] was home last week for a vacation. Mr I is traveling for a St Louis Vinegar Factory.
  The frame work of John Whites new house is now finished.
  Jim Loughridge and Dr Hall attended the high school commencement Friday night at Centerville.
  Dr O A Cover of Philadelphia, Penn, and John Hays of Centerville visited Jerome Friday. Dr Cover came over from Seymour, where he has located to practice medicine and is going to make a specialty of surgery. The Dr has spent several years in college and hospital work having graduated at Baltimore and Philadelphia. He was Dr Sawyers' partner last summer and attended to his large practice while the Dr attended the World's fair. We congratulate the citizens of Seymour and vicinity on securing as able a surgeon as Dr Cover.
  Donald Forsythe was on sick list last week.
  Several of Jerome ball players attended the Forbush-Centerville game Thursday at Centerville.
  Mr Wales' new house is rapidly being erected under the skill of Mr Wales and Dennis of Mystic.
  M F Allin has moved into James Buck's new house and the Jerome Clover Club will give a ball Friday night in Allin's Hall; a large crowd is expected as the club has gone to big expense in arranging for a grand time.
  Mr Clarance Ballman [Bollman] and Miss Anna Sedwick [Sedgwick] were united in marriage at the bride's home Sunday eve by Rev Loughridge; a large crowd were present and a delightful evening was spent by all. The presents were numerous and the occasion will long be remembered.
  Hotel De Hazlewood is in the hands of Mr Shorter, our genial plasterer, who will do the job justice.
  Jim Buck and Jim Barton have the contract for Mr Newt Moore's new house east of Jerome.
  Miss Etta Holland of Promise City is visiting at Miss May Bucks. Frank and John are out every night.
  John Lowey [Lowry] has the addition to his store completed which makes it one of the best buildings in Jerome.
  Mr Will Oughton is improving his place with a new fence.
  Red Ribbon club gave a refined entertainment: Mr Jim Loughridge sang a solo that pleased the audience.
  Mr Lewis and Crego were in Jerome on business Monday. Mr Crego has one of those trained dogs and gave an exhibition at the Hotel De Hazlewood. The children were all amused.

Appanoose County News - 31 May 1894

Daily Iowegian - 31 May 1894
  --The Centerville contingent of the striking miners that are besieging Muchakinock are getting a good deal of blame by the daily papers for being drunken and unruly. There is a mistake somewhere. There are only three Centerville miners in the crowd the Appanoose contingent going from the mines along the Milwaukee. Centerville miners are peaceable and quiet men.
  --A Herald reporter had the pleasure of attending a piano recital by the wonderful child musician, Minta Lee Rice. She played a number of difficult selections with such accuracy and delicacy of touch that it was difficult to believe that she was not a highly educated musician, instead of a little girl who could not even read print. -- St. Joseph Herald.
  Russell's Hall, June 5th. Tickets at Ogle's.
  --Memorial Day services passed off in good order, there being a large crowd present. The published programme was carried out as nearly as possible. The meeting was called to order about one o'clock and the ritualistic service of the Grand Army was gone through with. The procession headed by the Military band, Company E, children with flowers, Grand Army, citizens on foot and in carriages proceeded to the cemetery and decorated the mound and graves, then marched back and completed the service in the Park. There was music and addresses by L.  C. Mechem and Maj C. A. Stanton. Col. E. C. Haynes was marshal of the day and maintained good discipline. By actual count of A. Efaw there were 2,785 people left the cemetery and not half of the crowd marched down. At night there was a camp fire in the Opera house presided over by Mrs. Dr. Replogle, opened by Mr. Inman in behalf of the Sons of Veterans. Addresses were made by Commander A. J. McCoy, Capt. W. F. Vermilion, Maj. C. A. Stanton, Mrs. S. C. James, interspersed with music and recitations. Memorial services were a success both day and night.
  --The Engine and Hook & Ladder company made a good display in the procession yesterday.
  --The miners are yet all out in the Appanoose mines but a number of mines in Wapello and Mahaska counties are at work. At Muchakinock are several hundred colored miners at work. They live near the mouth of the mines and are reported as well armed and disciplined and say they will defend their job. For the past week a large number of the striking miners have been camped around them but are not allowed to hold intercourse with the men. The number encamped on the outside have been largely increased and they announce that they will give the working miners till to-day to come out and after that they intend to use force. The way these men are situated, force is a thing that both sides can play at and the chances are that some one will be hurt if such an attempt is made.

Appanoose County Beekeepers Association Died

Daily Iowegian - 24 May 1894
  The Appanoose County Beekeepers Association died, disbanded, dissolved, fizzled, perished of insanity, on Saturday May 12th at forty minutes past one p.m. in the Commercial rooms in the city of Centerville, in the presence of a few of its most devoted friends. Five summers measured he span of its  brief existence. 
  Although short lived it has not lived in vain. Through its discussions many have obtained a better knowledge of the nature of bees and the methods by which apiculture may be made a success.  Considerable advancement has been made in educating the people in general as to the uses of honey to its healthfullness as an article of food, and the conditions that go to make a prime article. 
  At the organization of the association, scarcely a dozen people in the county knew the difference between strained and extracted honey, now the difference is almost universally known and recognized by the consumers of this section. Through its influence, the county agricultural association has been induced to recognize apiculture as a pursuit worthy of respect and encouragement, and to offer something like decent premiums for exhibits of the product of the apiary.
  Last but not least, a pretty general acquaintance among the beekeepers and a warm, friendship and good will among the beekeepers of the county has been worked up that will hold until we meet on the shores of eternity.
                                                               G. B. Replogle

JEROME News - 17 May 1894

The Iowegian - 17 May 1894
  Mr Wales is building a new house east of his brother's new one.
  Mrs E A White was out from Centerville Friday last s well pleased with their new Jerome home.
  Mr Shorter is kept busy plastering the new houses around town.
  Donald Forsythe made the regular run Sunday night.
  Dr Wales, of Davis City, was a Jerome visitor last week. Doc is a native of old Appanoose and was well pleased with the way Jerome is growing.
  Mystic's ball team came up last Friday and Jerome did them up, they were not satisfied and came up again Monday and our Jerome boys did them up like hot cakes. Come again boys.
  P  B Wilkes of Centerville, was in Jerome Friday and Saturday on business.
  Dougal Forsythe of Mystic was a Jerome visitor Monday.
  John Lowrey is building up quite a reputation as a ball pitcher. Capt Anson has wrote to him and made him an offer.  We expect to keep him here to do up Mystic.
  B Fenton and family, of Centerville, were visitors at the home of M T Allen Sunday.
  Mr Ad Pendergast is building a new house east of town.
  The Red Ribbon club gave a refined entertainment Saturday night. Miss Ross sang a solo that charmed all the boys.
  There was a meeting of singing society at the home of Miss Ross Thursday night and a delightful time was the verdict.
  Mr John White has the bill to let for his new residence which he will soon build.
  Mr Hagan our enterprising postmaster is building a new block on the square for a general store and PO.
  Mr Sam Stoner who lives west of town is building an addition to his barn.
  Mr Will Faulk has the plan of his new addition. He is to build in June.
  Jerome is on the move, all is life and the building will continue as the men all expect to work soon.

JEROME News - 10 May 1894

The Iowegian - 10 May 1894
  Dr Sawyers and Bowen, of Centerville, were in town Tuesday, the first of May, called in counsel with Dr Hall to set Mr Luther Buck's back, he having the misfortune to have a large rock fall on him while at work in the Big Four mine. He is resting very well and there are hopes of his recovery.
  Mr E A White's new house is being rapidly erected by Mr Wilson and Barton as Mr White is kept busy attending to the lumber trade.
  Mr. Hazlewood is now building a large addition to the Hotel de Hazlewood, Mr Wales of Mystic has the contract.
  Mr  Buck's new house is in the hands of Mr Wm Shorter, Jerome's leading plasterer, William is doing a fine job.
  Mr Peter Sidles has moved the old school to the square and is going to remodel and fit it up for a business room.
  Dr Kirkpatrick, wife and daughter, of Plano, were Jerome visitors. The doctor is looking better now and is able to attend to calls; while in Jerome they purchased a bill of wall paper and paint of Mr Forsythe.
  Mr Elvin Owen has accepted a position with the Alden Fruit and Vinegar company, St. Louis, Mr Owen reports trade good and likes the situation. He sold a large bill here in Jerome. Mr Owen has one of the oldest and most reliable houses in the west.
  Will Vermilion and Claude Porter, two of Centerville's most popular attorneys, were Jerome visitors last week on legal business. Mr James Aymor was sued for board but by his attorney, Mr Vermilion, he proved to be a married man and so got out of paying his board. We think it will be some time before Will can beat his board on the same grounds. 
  Mr Greenback, of Mystic, has opened up a new barber shop and jewelry store.
  Jerome has a new restaurant run by Mrs Loferty.
  Last Saturday the children thought a circus had struck the town, Mr John Lowry and Forsythe erected an awning in front of their stores.
\  Tom Fuller, of Centerville, was in town last Friday, advance agent for Miss Alma Hendrickson, who will give a refined entertainment Friday night at the church.

Peter Sidles Dead

Centerville Newspaper Clipping - December 1905
Pioneer and a Leader in Many Enterprises 
for Good of County
  With the passing away of Peter Sidles, or uncle Peter, as he is affectionately called by his hosts of friends, Appanoose loses one of her staunchest and bravest citizens, one who, through the history of the county, has stood a model of public enterprise, religious principle and what a true citizen should be. At this day when we hear the shrill whistle of the locomotive on the Milwaukee and Burlington systems and view the towns and industries created, we do not stop to think where the credit lies and who inaugurated these necessary improvements, but on looking backward to the time when these projects were but rumors we see a public spirited frontiersman, working with all the energy he is capable of exerting for these enterprises, and that man is Peter Sidles. And again as our gaze falls upon this, the great coal fields of Iowa, and as we glance upon the numerous mines, the leading industry, we wonder who was the first man to start this work, and it is found that here again the name of Peter Sidles, stands among the earliest. 
  Mr. Sidles was a member of the Methodist church, and a man who practiced what he preached no matter what the result might be. He was as staunch a worker in his church as he was in the field of public spirit. Again when the bugle sounded, and our country called for her noble sons to take up their powder flask and gun, one of the first to respond was Peter Sidles, and it was here that the manly principles, and loyalty to his flag and God won for him the friends among the boys in blue that are now so ready to sing his praises. N. M. Scott of Mystic, another loyal soldier and close friend of Mr. Sidles, states that throughout the entire war, when temptation and hardships hardened the hearts of men, Peter Sidles remained true to his profession, his bible and his fellow man, a record that is equaled only by few. 
  He is gone now, but a record remains that lives after him, a record of a man who endured the early hardships of the settler, but lived to reap the wealth he well deserved, a record of over four score years, and every year a credit to his fellow men. The lines of Longfellow's pathetic but truthful poem are well recalled at this time:
      Lives of Great men all remind us,
        We can make our lives sublime.
      And departing leave behind us,
        Foot prints in the sands of time.

Death of Peter Sidles Removes Staunch Patriot

Centerville Newspaper Clipping - December 1905
Was Public Spirited Citizen--His Demise Sudden on Friday
  A. Root, Robert Wright and Isaac Lane, representing John L. Bashore Post, G.A.R., of this city, attended at Jerome on Saturday the funeral of Peter Sidles who died suddenly last Friday [1 December 1905] morning at his home a mile north of Jerome. On the morning of his death, it is said that Mr. Sidles seemed to be feeling as usual. He ate his breakfast in the basement kitchen and retired to the sitting room above where members of the household found him a few hours later in a sinking condition in his armed chair. They immediately carried him to the bed and summoned a physician but death ensued before the doctor arrived. His wife, his stepdaughter, Miss Anna Sharp, and his son-in-law, William Laumer [Larimer], were present.
  The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock conducted by Rev. George Blagg of the M.E. church at Mystic and interment was made in the Jerome cemetery.
  Peter Sidles, Jr., was born in Chariton [Clinton] county, Ohio, in 1823 and was therefore 82 years of age. His great grandfather, a native German, served in the War of the Revolution, and the patriotic spirit of this ancestor seems to have been inherited by the subject of this sketch who in his life served his country well in war and in peace, and was withal a kind husband and father. He was a lifelong member of the M.E. church in which he was class leader. He was a Mason of many years standing and also a voter and worker in the Republican party. At various times he was honored by election to civil offices including those of township trustee and assessor.
  Mr. Sidles was one of the survivors of Company D [B], Sixth Kansas Cavalry and had an excellent record in the War of the Rebellion. He enlisted in August 1861 in the Fifth Kansas Cavalry but was transferred to the Sixth. He was taken prisoner at Mazzard Prairie and held at Tyler, Texas, for seven months until he made his escape and succeeded in reaching the company of Thirty-sixth Iowa Infantry under command of Captain Gedney, which he accompanied to Cairo, Ill., being mustered out at Leavenworth, Kansas, April 18, 1865. During his incarceration in the rebel prison he was sick for five weeks with fever, but was fortunate in having one of his comrades, James Asher, to care for him.
  Mr. Sidles married Miss Susan Crossman [Crosson] in Clinton county, Ohio, in 1824, and soon after bought 100 acres of wild land in that vicinity which he farmed for seven years, but finding the labor of clearing too severe for his health, he sold out and came to Appanoose county in 1850, settling where he resided until the time of his death. Mrs. Sidles died several years ago, being the mother of six children of whom four are now living. They are Mrs. Pendergast, Mrs. Larimer and George and John Sidles. Mr. Sidles later was married to a Mrs. Sharp who survives him.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Charles Edward Inman, 1948-2010

Daily Iowegian - 14 December 2010
  SEYMOUR — Charles Edward Inman, 62, of Seymour passed away at his residence on Wednesday, Dec. 8. He was born July 19, 1948 in Centerville to Byron and Norma (Bales) Inman, who preceded him in death.
  Charlie took great pride in his family and tending to the family farm. He enjoyed rodeos and riding horses, but his favorite ride was his Harley Davidson motorcycle.  He was busy Monday and Tuesday working cattle and Christmas shopping for the grandkids.
  Charlie is survived by a sister Dixie Tarrant of Tulsa, Okla.; children: Greg (Jerilyn) Inman of Moulton, Michelle (Jeremy) Dooley of Promise City, Tonya (John) Thatcher of Afton; and Freedom (Brian) Allen of Centerville; step-daughter Kim Buckallew of Centerville, nephews Kevin (Bambi) Van Dyne of Nichols  and Lonnie (Peggy) of Tulsa, Okla., 17 grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren, great-nieces and nephews and a host of family and friends.
  He was preceded in death by his children Mark Inman and Kim (Inman) Jellison and a great-granddaughter Makya Wood.
  Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 11 at Randolph Funeral Home in Seymour with pastor Micaiah Stanley officiating. Interment will be in Southlawn Cemetery in Seymour.
  Visitation wil be at the funeral home in Seymour from 3-7 p.m. with family greeting friends from 5-7 p.m. Memorials may be made to the family.

Everett W. Wehrle, 1919-2010

The Daily Iowegian - 14 December 2010
  CENTERVILLE — Everett W. Wehrle, 91, a resident of the Continental at St. Joseph passed away Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2010 at Mercy Medical Center in Centerville.
  He was a long time Centerville resident.
  Everett was born on Jan. 30, 1919 in Rome, Iowa to William J. and Florence Elizabeth (Dicus) Wehrle. He attended elementary school in Rome and graduated from Mt. Pleasant High School in 1935 and Iowa Wesleyan College in 1939.
Everett was united in marriage to Maxine Miller in Kahoka, Moi. The following year they lived in Salem, Iowa where he taught and coached at the High School. In 1940 Everett attended the College of Mortuary Science in St. Louis, Mo., graduating in 1941.  The following year he took his young family to Manhattan Beach, Calif. where he worked for Douglas Aircraft.
  Everett and his family returned to Centerville in 1943 where he would join his in-laws, Frank and Roxa Miller in what would become the Miller-Wehrle Funeral Home. He and Maxine lived in and operated the funeral home from1962 until his retirement in 1984.
  Everett was a long time member of the First United Methodist Church. He was also a member of the Appanoose Country Club and served on the Centerville School Board. Everett was a part owner of Centerville National Bank, and served as a director of the bank for many years.
  Everett is survived by four children, Michele Moehring, of Claremont, Calif., Steve Wehrle (Melissa) of Centerville, Mark Wehrle (Jackie) of Lake Ozark, Mo. and Susan Sanders (Harvel) of Sedalia, Mo.; eight grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and a brother, Dale Wehrle (Agatha) of Salem, Iowa. He was preceded in death by his wife Maxine on May 7, 1993; a son, Michael; five brothers, Edward, Walter, Paul, Woodrow and Frederick; four sisters, Margaret, Helen, Elizabeth and Ora; and a son-in-law, Donald Moehring.
  Funeral services will be at 1 p.m. Monday, Dec. 13 at First United Methodist Church with the Rev. Terra Amundson and the Rev. Harvel Sanders officiating. Visitation will be one hour prior from 12 p.m. until the time of the funeral.  Interment will be in Oakland Cemetery following the funeral.
  Memorials may be given to the First United Methodist Church which may be left at or mailed to Thomas Funeral Home, 23548 Highway 5, P.O. Box 125, Centerville, Iowa 52544.
  Condolences and video may be shared at www.thomasfh.com.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Coin Broker in Palo Alto, California, --------------------- Appeals to Collectors Far and Wide

PaloAltoOnline - 24 September 1997
By Therese Lee
  People have an instinct to collect, says Jim Beer, owner of The Coin Broker in Palo Alto's Town & Country Village. Beer founded his establishment more than 16 years ago to satisfy this instinct on a worldwide scale--with a personal touch.
  "Practically everyone collects something," Beer said. Even animals have this instinct, he adds, citing pack rats (as in the busy-tailed rodent, not one of your in-laws) as a prime example. "And most everyone has an interest in history." Open since 1980, The Coin  Broker offers an extensive collection of United States and foreign currency. The volume of his material sets his store apart from other coin shops, Beer said.
  He offers the largest collection of Confederate coin and currency on the West coast. He has also had the privilege of selling the finest version of the 1870 "S" silver dollar; only 12 of them were ever made by the U.S. government. His shop also features a comprehensive selection of supplies and books for all avid "numismatists" (coin collectors), regardless of age.
  "There are lots of young people starting out" in coin collecting, Beer said. "We try to take as much time as possible to help educate them. A lot of stores don't do that, but we make the time."
  Beer, a retired civil engineer, regularly tells his customers the stories behind the coins. Like how the labeling of 1883 nickels--originally only varked with the Roman numeral "V" -- was revised to include the word "cents" after racketeering had become too rampant.
  Young aficionados are the collectors that will support the coin collection industry in the future. Thus, he has been happy to see the number of coin collectors increase dramatically over the last five years, although it has meant he has had to be more aggressive in seeking out desirable coins.
  "The demand is far outstripping the supply in rare coins," he said. He conducts worldwide searches at shows and auctions. And just as he travels far and wide to find rare coins, his store is visited regularly by international collectors from countries as far away as China, Israel and Germany. Word of mouth is Beer's best publicity.
  Beer himself has been a collector since 1950. His personal collection began with early Americana coins and steadily grew from there--much like his business. "Our volume has increased every year in the retail rare coin trade," he said.
  The store's extensive display space is unusual in the business, Beer said. Many of his customers tell him "it's almost like a museum to come in her and look around."  Coins over 2,000 years old are regularly featured on the shelf, although Beer is quick to point out that age does not guarantee high value.
  His shop features coins that range in price from $1 to $1 million and caters to everyone from hobbyists to dilettantes to professional collectors.
  "Coin collecting," he said, "is something people can do throughout their lifetimes."
  NOTE:  Jim Beer is the son of the late Joe Beer and Reavis (Montgomery) Beer of Centerville.  He grew up on the family farm east of Jerome.  The family were active members of the Jerome Methodist Church.

Roy Lewis Van Blaricome, 1935-1995

Unidentified Newspaper Obituary of 1995
  Roy Van Blaricome, 59, of Iowa City, formerly of Batavia, died Monday, July 3, 1995, at his home.
  He was born July 22, 1935, in Jerome, the son of Andy and Dorothy (Thompson) Van Blaricome.
  He married Joan Miller Dec. 24, 1957, in Batavia. She survives.
  Also surviving are three sons, Royce of Oak Harbor, Wash., Randy and Robert, both of Ottumwa; three brothers, Paul of Drakesville, Max of Numa and Keith of Bettendorf; five sisters, Eva Shriver and Judy Stout of Ottumwa, Beulah Crowder of Eldon, Mo., Lucille Ross of Des Moines and JoAnn Miller of Ft. Collins, Colo.; and six grandchildren.
  He was preceded in death by four sisters, Gwen Lehman, Nadine Ross and Fern and Paulette in infancy.
  He graduated from Seymour High School in 1953. He served in the Air Force. He owned and operated Van's 66 and the Koffee Kup, both in Ottumwa, from 1974 to 1987. He later owned and operated Roy's Steakhouse in Agency from 1988 to 1993. He was a former member of the American Legion in Ottumwa and the Kilwinning Masonic Lodge in Batavia. He was a past scoutmaster in Batavia and was in the Shriner Cycle Patrol in Ottumwa.
  Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, July 8, at the People's Church of Batavia with the Rev. Jack Jackson officiating. Burial will be in the Batavia Cemetery. Open visitation will be after 9 a.m. today, Friday, with family visitation from 7 to 8:30 p.m. this evening at the Campbell-Kremer Funeral Home in Batavia.
  Memorials may be directed to the family.

Kathryn Frogge Owen, 1919-1997

Unidentified Newspaper Obituary of 1997
  Kathryn Owen of Rogers, Ark., died May 29, 1997, at Northwest Medical Center in Springdale, Ark.
  She was born Feb. 11, 1919, in Sewal, the daughter of George and Etta (Warnick) Frogge. [She married Hobart Owen.]
  Survivors include a brother, Jasper Frogge of Centerville and a sister, Dorothea Embry of Rogers, Ark.; two sons, three daughters; three grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
  She was a homemaker and attended the Methodist Church. She was a porcelain doll maker and lived in Rogers, Ark., since 1989.
  Memorial services were held at the Callison-Laugh Funeral Home with the Rev. J. Wesley Hilliard officiating. 

Helen Agnes Matelski, 1916-1994

Unidentified Newspaper Obituary of 1994
  Helen Agnes Matelski, 78, of Joliet, Ill., formerly of Cincinnati, died Thursday, Oct. 27, 1994, at the Glenwood Care Center in Joliet, Ill.
  She was born May 10, 1916, in Cincinnati, the daughter of Steve and Mary (Grenko) Zema.
  Survivors include three daughters, Joyce Hagerty of Glendale Heights, Ill., Lorie Noyse of Davenport and Beverly Dezorzi of Kansas City, Mo.; a brother, Steve Zemo of Centerville; two sisters, Olga Zema and Mary Ivy, both of Joliet, Ill.; 10 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.
  She was preceded in death by her parents and three brothers, Stanley, Frank and Louis Zemo.
  She received her education in Appanoose County. She was a homemaker.
  Funeral mass will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 29, at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Centerville with Fr. Joe Miller, C.P.P.S., officiating. Interment will be in the Oakland Cemetery in Centerville. There will be a scripture service at 6:30 p.m. Friday at the Schmidt-Duley Funeral Home. Visitation will be from 3 to 8 p.m. Friday.

Sheila Dunagan & Harry Arthur Sidles Wed 1951

Davenport Democrat & Leader - 23 July 1951
  The marriage of Miss Sheila Dunagan, Davenport, daughter of Mrs. Walter M. Dunagan of Valparaiso, Ind., and the late Prof. Dunagan of Ames, to Harry Arthur Sidles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sidles, Jerome, Ia., was solemnized Saturday [21 July 1951] at 4 p.m. in the Collegiate Methodist church, Ames. The Rev. Raymond Shipman performed the single ring ceremony. Miss Harriet Moore of Des Moines gave two vocal numbers.
  The bride, who was given in marriage by her uncle, Henry Sevison of Princeton, Ky., wore a white chiffon gown, modeled with princess style bodice having a sweetheart neckline and long tapering sleeves, and a full skirt, embroidered with seed-pearls and bugle beads at one side and extending into a train. Her finger-tip length veil was held by a coronet of seed-pearls and bugle beads. She wore a pearl necklace and carried a bouquet of white gladioli and lilies of the valley, centered with gardenias.
  Mrs. William Martin Runge, Davenport, attending her sister as matron of honor, wore a floor-length gown of sprout green chiffon, styled with a shirred strapless bodice and a stole. Her head-dress was ofr fuchsia gladioli and ivy, matching her bouquet. The bride's mother was in a dove grey sheer dress with navy accessories and had a corsage of rose gladioli. The bridegroom's mother had selected a wheat-colored sheer dress with mauve gladioli corsage.
  Howard Sidles of Ames, the bridegroom's brother, was best man, and Peter Sidles, Jr. and James Sidles, his twin brothers, were ushers.
  A reception followed in the Pine room of the church with 75 attending, including out-of-town guests from Jerome, Numa, Seymour, Des Moines, Waterloo, Davenport, Bettendorf and Indianola, Ia.; Deere Grove, Ill.; and Princeton, Ky. A three-tier wedding cake, gladioli and ferns adorned the serving table.
  When the bridal couple left on a short trip, the bride wore a white and black cape dress, white lace hat and white accessories.
  The bride attended Ames schools and received her degree in home economics in 1947 from Iowa State college, where she affiliated with Delta Delta Delta sorority. She has been employed by the General Electric Co., Davenport.
  Mr. Sidles attended Seymour high school and received his B.S. degree in agricultural engineering from Iowa State college in 1947. While at Ames, he became a member of Farm House social and Tau Beta Pi fraternities. Mr. Sidles is a graduate student at the Harvard School of Business Administration, Boston, where he will resume work for his M.A. degree in September. This summer, he is employed at the John Deere Planter Works, Moline, and the couple will reside at 532 West Sixth street, Davenport. 

Opal Leota Bennett Nichols, 1914-1999

Quad City Times - 6 January 1999
  BUFFALO, Iowa -- Services for Opal L. Nichols, 84, of Buffalo, will be noon Friday at Halligan-McCabe-DeVries Funeral Home, Davenport. Burial will be in Rose Hill Cemetery, Buffalo.
  Visitation is 2-8 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home.
  Mrs. Nichols died Sunday, Jan. 3, 1999, at Genesis Medical Center-East Campus, Davenport.
  Opal had worked at Davenport Medical Center, formerly the Osteopathic Hospital, as a unit secretary and aide for more than 20 years. She retired in 1979.
  Opal Leota Bennett was born June 11, 1914, in Plano, Iowa, to George and Bessie (Elder) Bennett. She married Neal Nichols on Dec. 23, 1931, in Unionville, Mo. He preceded her in death.
  Opal read the Bible faithfully, had very strong family ethics and was a care giver to many people. Her hobbies included quilting and baking homemade bread and rolls. She enjoyed flowers and playing bingo and card games with her friends and family.
  Opal was a member of Pythian Sisters, Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary 6078, Senior Citizen s group, Senior Bunco Club, the 500 Club and Friends ofr Buffalo.
  Memorials may be made to the family.
  Survivors include daughters and sons-in-law, Jane and Gene Mathey, Blue Grass, and Linda and Jim Kerch, Des Moines; a son and daughter-in-law, Ray and Rachel Nichols,  Buffalo; 13 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren; 12 great-great-grandchildren; sisters and brother-in-law, Floy Wilson and Cleo Carson, both of Seymour, and Lorene and Boyd Stroud, Davenport; brothers and sister-in-law, Oscar Bennett, Corydon, Glen Bennett, Bernard, and Vernon and Connie Bennett, Moline.
  She was preceded in death by her husband; five children, including a son, Neal Wesley in 1985; two grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; three sisters; and a brother. May they rest in peace.
Ray, Opal, Wesley, Neal
Linda & Jannie Nichols
March 1959

Ray Humidor Nichols, 1939-2002

Quad City Times - 1 February 2002
  BUFFALO, Iowa -- Services for Ray H. Nichols, 62, Buffalo, will be 10 a.m. Saturday at McGinnis, Chambers & Sass Funeral Home, Bettendorf. Burial will be in Rose Hill Cemetery, Buffalo.
  Visitation is 3-7 p.m. today at the funeral home.
  Mr. Nichols died Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2002, at Genesis Medical Center-West Campus, Davenport, after a brief illness.
  He was employed the past 16 years as a journeyman machinist at General Motors Corp., Pontiac, Mich. Before that, he worked 10 years at the former International Harvester, Farmall Works, Rock Island, and 17 years at Red Jacket Pump Co., Davenport.
  He was born Feb. 18, 1939, in Centerville. He married Rachel Stricklin in 1962 in Columbia, Tenn.
  He had served in the Air Force.
  Memorials may be made to the family.
  Survivors include his wife, Rachel; daughters, Jodith Hulse, Camby, Ind., Theresia Marxen, Galesburg, Ill., and Sherrie Horn, Davenport; son, Lawrence "Lanny," Buffalo; 11 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and sisters, Jane Mathey, Blue Grass, and Linda Kerch, Des Moines.
  Ray Nichols' family lived in Jerome in the 1940s where he attended the Jerome Public School.

Zelda Workman, 1896-1986

Quad City Times - 1 March 1986
  Zelda Workman, 89, of Davenport, formerly of Jerome, Iowa, died Feb. 19 at Good Samaritan Nursing Center, Davenport.
  Services were Feb. 21 at Miller-Wehrle Funeral Home, Centerville, Iowa. B urial is in Jerome Cemetery.
  Zelda Fry married J. W. Workman in 1914 in Jerome. He died in 1968.
  She was a member of Jerome Methodist Church and Homemakers Association.
  Survivors include sons, Forest, Rock Island, and H. Burdette "Bud," Moline; four grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and a half brother, Merle Loofborrow, Jerome.
  Zelda Loofborrow was born in Jerome, Appanoose County, Iowa, on 29 March 1896, daughter of David N. Loofbourrow and Hattie Fry, died at the Good Samaritan Nursing Home in Davenport, Scott County, Iowa, on 19 February 1986, and was buried in the Jerome Cemetery, Appanoose County, Iowa.  
  She married in Jerome, Appanoose County, Iowa, 23 September 1914, James Wesley Workman who was born in Jerome, Appanoose County, Iowa, on 18 January 1891, son of Edison Workman and Emma Diltz, died 17 June 1968, and was buried in the Jerome Cemetery, Appanoose County, Iowa.