Julia Wilson, who has been quite ill, is now much improved.
Mrs. Effie Houx and brother, Carl Kinney, were business visitors in Seymour last Thursday.
Ira Huston and wife of Streepyville came over Friday for a visit with her mother Mrs. M. Moore. Mr. Huston returned to his work Sunday evening, Mrs. Huston will visit with relatives here the remainder of the week.
Neil Parsell, of C'ville, arrived the latter part of the week for a stay with his aunt, Mrs. Hattie Loofburrow. Mrs. Loofburrow being very ill with rheumatism.
Frank Gable and wife were called to Cedar Rapids Friday by the death of his sister. They are expected home this week.
James and Cliff Crouch and Willie Hawkins made a trip to Seymour Saturday.
Mrs. Mae Moore and niece, Goldie Fox, of Trenton, Mo. arrived Thursday for a visit with relatives. Mr. Moore is traveling for a dry goods firm and Mrs. Moore may remain here this summer with her mother Mrs. A. Fox.
Dr. Miller was called from Plano Monday to see little Jay Crooks. Mrs. Crooks has also been quite ill but is better at this writing.
Geo. Stotelmyer returned Thursday from a visit with his people near Marshalltown.
Mrs. I. D. Cozad and mother-in-law were business visitors in Seymour last Friday. Mrs. Cozad was having dental work done.
Wm Ashcraft, of Seymour, is in Jerome this week hanging paper.
Clyde Dooley has just completed a new fence around his lawn and is now replastering his kitchen. He has also made various other improvements which add to the appearance of the place.
Mrs. C. R. Jackson, Mrs. G. W. Ross and Mrs. S. Burnes were shopping in Seymour Saturday.
Mrs. J. Stark came up from Mystic Saturday for a visit with her son Harry and wife. She expects to leave in about three weeks for Seattle, Wash., where she will visit her sister and attend the Exposition.
Rev. Bishop and wife visited Saturday and Sunday at the J. W. Neff home east of town.
Mrs. Ettie Ferren and Mrs. J. T. Sherard were visiting relatives and friends in and near Jerome Monday.
Jennie and Ethel Burns spent Sunday in Jerome, the guests of their cousin, Geo. Stotelmyer and wife.
Earl Broshar, Myrtle Bishop and Florence Harris, of Moravia, were guests Sunday of Virgie Harris.
Tom Banks and wife, of near C'ville, spent Sunday at the home of her mother Mrs. M. Criswell.
Mrs. Martha Sanders, of Roodhouse, Ill, arrived Monday night and will spend the summer with her daughter Mrs. Robt Peek. She was accompanied by her daughter Mrs. J. L. Ludwick who came to visit relatives.
Harry Stark and wife entertained Mrs. M. Pendergast, Anna Gorman, Susie Sidles and Kathryn Hawkins at dinner Sunday.
The Ladies Aid employed Mrs. M. Moore to clean the M. E. church. It is needless to say the work was well done, as Mrs. Moore always does her best when working for others.
Mr. Bunker left Tuesday for his home in Anamosa after a visit with his daughter Mrs. B. I. Gable.
I. L. Funk, general manager of the Hawkeye Lumber Co., came down from Oskaloosa Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Martha Sanders and Mrs. J. L. Ludwick, of Roodhouse, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Robt Peek and daughters Carrie and Gladys and Mrs. Mattie Felkner were entertained Wednesday at the Will Seathe home.
Chas. and Frank Barnes of Blakesburg, visited between trains Sunday with their brother Will.
Anna Gorman, Georgia and Mary Sidles were business visitors in C'ville Tuesday.
Rev. Bishops appointments for next Sunday are as follows: Jerome in the morning, Plano afternoon, and Brazil at night.
The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church will hold their annual election at their first meeting in June, Thursday June 3. All members are requested to be present and to bring at least one new member with them.