Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obituary: Mrs. Mary Alice Luse

The Semi-Weekly Iowegian - April 1909
  The funeral of Mrs. Alice Luse, wife of Edward Luse, was held April 28, 1909, at 2 o'clock at Jerome.  The services were conducted by Mr. Jno. Moffatt and Mr. D. R. Charles at the Believers church.  The deceased had been ill for sometime with tuberculosis of the lungs and passed away Tuesday morning.  She leaves a husband and two young children.  Her mother and two married sisters are also left to mourn her loss.  The family formerly lived on a farm near Osceola, and had resided in Jerome since last December.  She was the daughter of Daniel and Rachel Byrd and was born in Mercer Co., Mo., in 1887, making her 22 years old at the time of her death.
  Mrs. Luse was a christian woman and during her last illness longed to be taken home to be with the Lord Jesus who died for her.
  The husband, mother, and sisters of the deceased wish to gratefully acknowledge the kindness of their many friends and neighbors during the sorrow they have passed through.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

One Son Dead and Child in Hospital

Semi-Weekly Iowegian - 27 May 1909
  Jerome, May 27 -- Word was received here that James Purdy died at Boulder, Colo. Tuesday noon from blood poisoning, resulting from a light scratch on limb.  The body is expected on the evening train.  His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purdy, went to Davenport last week to have their little child operated on for appendicitis.  Mr. Purdy is expected home today.

From Semi-Weekly Iowegian - Feb 1909

  L. E. Smith, of Lincoln township, was in the city Monday and added the Iowegian to his reading list.  He is one of the trustees in Lincoln and was looking up plans for the successful use of the road drag.  He is interested in the plan proposed by Col. E. C. Haynes by which rural carriers keep tab on the work and report to trustees.


Miss Hoover, Agent at Sewal, Not Blamed For Wreck
  Jerome, Feb. 12 -- Miss Flora Hoover relief agent for C. M. & St. P. came up from Sewal Tuesday for a visit with her brother Frank.  Miss Hoover was on duty at the place when the wreck occurred last Wednesday, but she was free from blame as she had given the orders correctly.
From the Semi-Weekly Iowegian, February 1909.

Jerome News Briefs - 19 February 1909 --- from the Semi-Weekly Iowegian

  Another storm of sleet and snow swept this section Saturday night and Sunday.
  The school at this place celebrated the 100th anniversary of Lincoln's birthday with appropriate and pleasing exercises.
  Ed Betts, who had been helping Mr. Gable with his office work at the Big 4 Supply Co. store, left Saturday for his home in Cedar Rapids.
  After a visit with relatives in Seymour, Miss Nina Boyles passed thru town Saturday evening enroute to her home in Plano.
  Mrs. Will Hefner and children returned Sunday from Mystic where they have been visiting at the parental Robert Forsythe home and other relatives.
  Geo. Frogge and wife and son, Howard, went to Centerville Saturday for a visit with relatives.
  A deal was consummated last week in which Sam Owens of this place purchased the John Moore farm west of town; consideration $60 per acre.  Mr. Moore and family expect to move soon to their farm in Ohio.
  Frank Gable left Saturday for Cedar Rapids on a business trip.
  Mrs. Maude Hudnall and Misses Virgie Harris and Ida Connor went to Mystic Saturday evening to visit friends, returning Sunday.
  Miss Emma Jackson came out from Centerville Saturday and visited until Sunday with Mrs. Estella Brattain.
  The school children have been busy the past few days selling tickets to the entertainment to be given at the M. E. church tonight, Feb. 17.  The Ida Kinley Entertainers have been secured by the Jerome school for this date, and come highly recommended.
  Geo. Moore is still unable to go to his work.  After the large abcess on his wrist began to heal, several small boils made their appearance, which rendered him unfit for work.
  Mrs. John Graham is able to be out again after being confined to the house with rheumatism.
  Miss Kathryn Hawkins has been suffering from throat trouble.
  John White Jr. has been have a siege with mumps.
  Rev. Bishop will preach at this place on Sunday mornings during the special meetings at Plano, giving the place the benefit of the Sunday evening service.
  The Ladies Aid will meet as usual with Mrs. Hawkins.  All members requested to be present to quilt or sew.  If you want a sunbonnet, apron or any plain sewing, give the Ladies Aid a call.

Jerome News Briefs - 15 January 1909 ----- from the Semi-Weekly Iowegian

  A. Canfield and family have moved into the A. N. Wailes property, formerly occupied by George Stottlemyer.
  Ira Huston came up from Brazil Saturday and visited with friends until Sunday afternoon.
  Clyde Dooley's little daughter and son who have been very ill with tonsillitis are convalescing. 
  Ocie Moore is in Brazil this week, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Anna Davis.
  Little Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cathcart is ill with mumps. Wm. Oughton is recovering from an attack of same.
  Mrs. Inskip and children passed thru Jerome last Wednesday, enroute to their home in Seymour, after a visit at Plano with relatives.
  Carrie Knapp came over from Numa last Wednesday for a visit with her aunt Mrs. Amy Moore.  She was also introducing the Wonder lamp which far surpasses the common lamp, altho it burns common oil.
  There was quite a little blaze at this place early Thursday night when Robt Allen's residence burned to the ground.  The fire started from a small heater in the kitchen, and was discovered by Dav Loofburrow, the family all being at the Allen restaurant.  Soon after the alarm was given a large crowd was on the scene, but the fire had made such headway as to render it impossible to save the building; however the most of the household goods were saved.  There was some insurance, did not learn how much.
  Flora Hoover, the popular relief agent for the C M & St P is off for a few days visit with relatives, or until she has another call.
  The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Crouch, south of town has been very ill but is much better at this writing.
  Anna Cathcart who has been seriously ill the past three weeks is reported as no better.  Dr. Miller of Plano is attending her.
  The S. S. board of the Methodist church met Jan 3rd and elected the following officers for the ensuing year:  Supt. Mrs. Ettie Condra, Asst. Supt. Mrs. Arlie Stark, Sec. Kathryn Hawkins, Treas. Susie Sidles, Organist Loran Shonts.
  Rev. Bishop closed the meetings for a few days, on account of the cold weather.
  W. A. Hagan, the assessor for this township, made a business trip to Centerville Wednesday.
  Cadd Hawkins spent Wednesday with Susie Sidles, west of town.

Jerome News Briefs - 19 May 1909 --------- from the Semi-Weekly Iowegian

  Julia Wilson, who has been quite ill, is now much improved.
  Mrs. Effie Houx and brother, Carl Kinney, were business visitors in Seymour last Thursday.
  Ira Huston and wife of Streepyville came over Friday for a visit with her mother Mrs. M. Moore. Mr. Huston returned to his work Sunday evening, Mrs. Huston will visit with relatives here the remainder of the week.
  Neil Parsell, of C'ville, arrived the latter part of the week for a stay with his aunt, Mrs. Hattie Loofburrow.  Mrs. Loofburrow being very ill with rheumatism.
  Frank Gable and wife were called to Cedar Rapids Friday by the death of his sister.  They are expected home this week.
  James and Cliff Crouch and Willie Hawkins made a trip to Seymour Saturday.
  Mrs. Mae Moore and niece, Goldie Fox, of Trenton, Mo. arrived Thursday for a visit with relatives.  Mr. Moore is traveling for a dry goods firm and Mrs. Moore may remain here this summer with her mother Mrs. A. Fox.
  Dr. Miller was called from Plano Monday to see little Jay Crooks.  Mrs. Crooks has also been quite ill but is better at this writing.
  Geo. Stotelmyer returned Thursday from a visit with his people near Marshalltown.
  Mrs. I. D. Cozad and mother-in-law were business visitors in Seymour last Friday.  Mrs. Cozad was having dental work done.
  Wm Ashcraft, of Seymour, is in Jerome this week hanging paper.
  Clyde Dooley has just completed a new fence around his lawn and is now replastering his kitchen.  He has also made various other improvements which add to the appearance of the place.
  Mrs. C. R. Jackson, Mrs. G. W. Ross and Mrs. S. Burnes were shopping in Seymour Saturday.
  Mrs. J. Stark came up from Mystic Saturday for a visit with her son Harry and wife.  She expects to leave in about three weeks for Seattle, Wash., where she will visit her sister and attend the Exposition.
  Rev. Bishop and wife visited Saturday and Sunday at the J. W. Neff home east of town.
  Mrs. Ettie Ferren and Mrs. J. T. Sherard were visiting relatives and friends in and near Jerome Monday.
  Jennie and Ethel Burns spent Sunday in Jerome, the guests of their cousin, Geo. Stotelmyer and wife.
  Earl Broshar, Myrtle Bishop and Florence Harris, of Moravia, were guests Sunday of Virgie Harris.
  Tom Banks and wife, of near C'ville, spent Sunday at the home of her mother Mrs. M. Criswell.
  Mrs. Martha Sanders, of Roodhouse, Ill, arrived Monday night and will spend the summer with her daughter Mrs. Robt Peek.  She was accompanied by her daughter Mrs. J. L. Ludwick who came to visit relatives.
  Harry Stark and wife entertained Mrs. M. Pendergast, Anna Gorman, Susie Sidles and Kathryn Hawkins at dinner Sunday.
  The Ladies Aid employed Mrs. M. Moore to clean the M. E. church.  It is needless to say the work was well done, as Mrs. Moore always does her best when working for others.
  Mr. Bunker left Tuesday for his home in Anamosa after a visit with his daughter Mrs. B. I. Gable.
  I. L. Funk, general manager of the Hawkeye Lumber Co., came down from Oskaloosa Tuesday on business.
  Mrs. Martha Sanders and Mrs. J. L. Ludwick, of Roodhouse, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Robt Peek and daughters Carrie and Gladys and Mrs. Mattie Felkner were entertained Wednesday at the Will Seathe home.
 Chas. and Frank Barnes of Blakesburg, visited between trains Sunday with their brother Will.
  Anna Gorman, Georgia and Mary Sidles were business visitors in C'ville Tuesday.
  Rev. Bishops appointments for next Sunday are as follows: Jerome in the morning, Plano afternoon, and Brazil at night.
  The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church will hold their annual election at their first meeting in June, Thursday June 3.  All members are requested to be present and to bring at least one new member with them. 

Monday, February 23, 2009

Obituary: James Edwin "Buddy" Bland

Des Moines Register - 7 December 1977
  James Bland, Sr., 51, formerly of Centerville, died Sunday of a heart ailment in Redwood City, Calif., where he had been living.

James Edwin Bland 
Numa High School Graduation Picture

  Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Dec. 13 at the Johnson Funeral Home in Centerville, with burial at Jerome Cemetery there.
  Mr. Bland worked as a carpenter in Des Moines for a few years before moving to Redwood City in 1968.
  Survivors include his wife, a son, James, Jr., of Des Moines, three daughters, including Terri Worley of Des Moines, a brother, two sisters, and six grandchildren.

James Edwin Bland's Four Children
Terri, Sandi, Sue & James
  Note: James Edwin Bland was the son of Edwin W. Bland and Leah Hope Howard.
Social Security Death Index
  The SSDI gives his birth date as 13 March 1926, his death date as December 1977 and his last residence as Redwood City, San Mateo, California 94063.  His SSN was issued in Iowa before 1951.
California Death Index
  The California Death Index, 1940-1997, on states he was born 13 March 1926 in Iowa and died 4 December 1977 in Santa Clara, California.
James Edwin Bland's Gravestone 
in the Jerome Cemetery

Obituary: Lesley R. Cousins

Moravia Union - 23 March 1988
  Lesley R. Cousins, 76, died at 6:35 a.m. March 16, 1988 at Davenport Medical Center.
  He was born July 31, 1911, in Jerome to Joel and Estella Rash Cousins.  He was an Ottumwa city bus driver for 38 years.
  He is survived by four sons, Max of Washington, Iowa; Paul of El Cajon, Calif.; Jimmy of Moline, Ill.; and Terry of Cedar Rapids; three daughters, Peggy Gibson of Moravia, Mary McNeff of Bettendorf and Betty Lindsey of Lewiston, Idaho; 29 grandchildren; and a sister, Ocie Sedgewick of Centerville.
  The service will be 1 p.m. Saturday at Robertson-Jay Funeral Home, the Rev. Wayne Gjerde of Wesley United Methodist Church officiating.  Burial will be in Jerome Cemetery in Jerome.
  Pallbearers will be Otis Allen, Kerry Reck, David Cousins, Ron Roe, Oscar Axthelm and Henry Shepherd.
  The family will be at the funeral home for 7 to 8 p.m. Friday.
Social Security Death Index
  The SSDI gives his birth date as 31 July 1911, his death date as 16 March 1988, and his last residence as Ottumwa, Wapello, Iowa 51501.  His SSN was issued in Iowa before 1951.
Marriage Records of Schuyler County, Missouri
  Lesley R. Cousins, 37, of Ottumwa, Wapello county, Iowa, and Lyla Irene Biles, 28, were issued a marriage license and married on 24 September 1948

Obituary: Hazel Burns

Ad-Express and Daily Iowegian - 2 August 1985
  Hazel Burns, age 79, died Wednesday afternoon at the Golden Age Care Center, Centerville.
  She was born April 2, 1906 at Monroe County the daughter of Jesse and Eldora McCrory Funkhouser.  She was married to Charles V. Burns in 1943 in Unionville, Missouri.  She had been a cook at the old St. Joseph Mercy hospital and at one time been active in the 18-80 Club.
  She is survived by five children, Mrs. Delora (Rolland) Herrald of Numa, Ted G. Knapp of Ft. Worth, Texas, Mrs. Shirley (Bill) Downs of Gransberry, Texas, James R. Knapp of Roscoe, Illinois, and Mrs. Dorothy (Verlin) Richardson of Moravia, 17 grandchildren, 32 great grandchildren.  She was preceded in death by her husband in 1973, a son Frank in 1951, a grandson John, her parents, a brother and a sister.
  Funeral services were held at 2:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon at the Miller-Wehrle Funeral Home with Pastor Gerald Campbell officiating.  Interment was in the Jerome Cemetery.  A memorial has been established to the Golden Age Care Center and may be left at the Funeral Home.  
Social Security Death Index
  The SSDI gives her birth date as 2 April 1906, her death date as July 1985, and her last residence as Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa 51544.  Her SSN was issued in Iowa before 1951.

Obituary: Gail Mae Wray

The Daily Iowegian - 8 June 2004
  Gail Mae Wray, age 66, of Numa died Friday, June 4, 2004, at Mercy Medical Center in Centerville
  She was born the daughter of Burdett O. and Violet
Maxine (Printy) Tharp on February 23, 1938 near Walnut City. She graduated from the Newton Community Schools in 1956.
  Gail Mae was united in marriage to Ivan Wray on February 25, 1956 in Knoxville. She worked in the Food Service Department at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital for over 24 years. She was a member of the Church of the Nazerene in Marshalltown. She and her husband made their home south of Numa for many years.
  She was preceded in death by: her parents and a sister in infancy.
  Gail Mae was survived by: her husband, Ivan Wray of Numa; daughters, Charlotte Wray of Centerville, Carla Cormeny and her husband, Larry of Moravia, Cheryl Wray of Kirkland, Wash., Carol Wray and husband,
  James Rollman of Madison, Neb., and Christine Repp of Centerville; son, Chad Wray and his wife, Roni of Belton, Mo.; sisters, Sharon Burns of Exline and Margaret Stottlemyre of Unionville, Mo.; brother, Paul Tharp of Longmont, Colo.; 10 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren.
  Funeral services will be held today, Tuesday, at 10 a.m. at Schmidt Family Funeral Home in Centerville with Robert Pick officiating.  Burial will follow at the Jerome Cemetery near Jerome. Public visitation was held on Monday at the funeral home. 
  Memorials can be made to the First Responders of Cincinnati or Jerome Cemetery and can be left at or mailed to the Schmidt Family Funeral Home at 501 North 18th Street in CentervilleIowa. Condolences can be sent at:  
Social Security Death Index
  The SSDI gives her birth date as 23 February 1938, her death date as 4 June 2004, and her last residence as Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa 51544.  Her SSN was issued in Iowa in 1955.

Obituary: Willis H. Brown

Schmidt Family Funeral Home
  Willis H. Brown, age 92, of Centerville, Iowa, died Thursday, May 29, 2008, at Centerville Mercy Medical Center. He was born the son of Glen and Maggie (Stroud) Brown on May 22, 1916 in Numa, Iowa. He attended rural schools through the eighth grade in southern Wayne County.
  On February 20, 1940, Willis was united in marriage to Lottie Fern Ricketts. Willis was a farmer and raised his family on the land he purchased in 1947 in Franklin Township of Appanoose County Iowa.
  Willis is preceded in death by his parents; an infant brother; and a brother-in-law, Junior Rollins.
  He is survived by his wife; two sons, Bill Brown and his wife Pat of Plano, Iowa and Larry Brown and his wife Sue of Jerome, Iowa; two sisters, Marjorie Rollins of Unionville, Missouri and Betty Brown of Seymour, Iowa; eight grandchildren and twenty great grandchildren.
  Funeral Services will be held on Sunday, June 1, 2008 at 2:00 PM at the Schmidt Family Funeral Home in Centerville, Iowa with Rev. Kay Singley officiating. Burial will follow at the Southlawn cemetery in Seymour, Iowa. Visitation will be held on Saturday, May 31, 2008 from 1:00 PM till 5:00 PM at the Schmidt Family Funeral Home in Centerville, Iowa. Family will be present Sunday, June 1, 2008 from 1:00 PM till 2:00 PM prior to the services.
  Memorials can be made to the Mercy Hospice. The Schmidt Family Funeral Home of Centerville, Iowa is caring for the Brown family at this time.
Social Security Death Index
  The SSDI give his birth date as 22 May 1916, his death date as 29 May 2008, and his last residence as Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa 51544.  His SSN was issued in Iowa in 1956. 

Dale Crawford Shankster, 1922-2008

The Oskaloosa Herald - 6 June 2008
  Dale Crawford Shankster, 86, of Marshalltown, and formally of Centerville, died Tuesday, June 3, 2008, at the Iowa Veteran’s Home of Marshalltown.
  He was born the son of James L. Shankster and Hulda (Crawford) Shankster on April 23, 1922, in Centerville. He graduated from Centerville Community Schools with the class of 1940.
  On Oct. 2, 1941, Dale was united in marriage to Rosetta O. Williams in Kahoka, Mo. He enlisted in the United States Coast Guard on Nov. 5, 1942. He spent part of his service with the Coast Guard aboard the Coast Guard manned USS Aquarius AKA16. He was very proud and honored to have served with this branch of service. Dale was a salesman for many of his working years, but later drove a school bus for the Centerville School District for 13 years. He really enjoyed the kids on his regular bus route, but he also enjoyed driving the bus for school sports and music functions. Dale was very involved in organizing reunions for his high school class of 1940 and also for the reunions of his Coast Guard “buddies” and former shipmates. He kept in touch with many of his classmates and shipmates over the years and loved getting together with them to share all of the old memories. He was very active in the sports and music programs while in high school. In 1990, he was especially honored to be inducted into the Centerville High School Athletic Department Hall of Fame.
  Dale had a wonderful love of family and friends and always had pictures of his grandchildren readily available for anyone who would like to see them. He is lovingly remembered as always having a story to tell or a memory to share and enjoyed having a conversation with all. He will be greatly missed.
  Dale is preceded in death by: his parents, James L. and Hulda Shankster; his wife, Rosetta (Williams) Shankster; four brothers: Roy Shankster, Ralph Shankster, Marion Shankster, and Lute Shankster; and four sisters: Pearl Ellis, Velma Bailey, Bernice McClaran, and Madelyn Furlin.
  He is survived by: two sons, Dennis and his wife Margaret Shankster, of Oskaloosa, and Lance and his wife Ricki Shankster, of Lewisville, Texas; two granddaughters, Lisa Vroom, of Des Moines, Iowa and Sierra Long, of Denton, Texas; and three great-grandchildren.
  Funeral services will be held on Saturday, June 7, at 10 a.m. at the Schmidt Family Funeral Home in Centerville with the Rev. Dianne Christopher officiating. Burial will follow at the Jerome Cemetery in Jerome.
  Visitation will be held on Friday, June 6, from 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. at the Schmidt Family Funeral Home in Centerville. The family will be present from 9 a.m. until 10 a.m. on Saturday prior to the funeral services.
  Memorials can be made to the American Legion. The Schmidt Family Funeral Home of Centerville is caring for the Shankster family at this time and condolences can be sent at

Social Security Death Index
  The SSDI gives his birth date as 23 April 1922, his death date as 3 June 2008, and his last residence as Marshalltown, Marshall, Iowa 50158.  His SSN was issued in Iowa before 1951. 

Obituary: Terrence Edwin Frewing

The Daily Iowegian - 24 September 2004
  Terrence Edwin Frewing, 60, went to heaven to be with the Lord on Sept. 16, 2004, while at home in JeromeIowa. Thomas Lange Funeral Home is handling arrangements. 
He was born August 15, 1944, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, the son of Frank and Lois Frewing.   He graduated from Prairie Bible Institute in Three Hills, Alberta, with a four-year degree in Biblical Studies and from the University of Victoria with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. In his life he served as a missionary to Valencia, Spain, worked for his father's garage door company, managed apartment buildings in Centerville, Iowa, was a goldsmith and framer for Heirloom Jewelers in Centerville (also managing it), worked many different areas for Curwood, (including extrusion and resin scheduler) and was an independent contractor for Primerica Financial Services in Centerville. 
He married Barbara Jones on June 7, 1975 in DavenportIowa
He is survived by his wife Barbara of Jerome; parents Frank and Lois of Victoria, B.C.; two sons, John Frewing and his wife Kelly of Rochester, New York, and Tim Frewing of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; a sister Darleen Larsen and her husband Randy of Kelowna, B.C.; a brother, Grant Frewing and his wife Loriane, of Langley, B.C.; a brother, Donald Frewing of Victoria, B.C.; and a sister, Doreen Alton and her husband Ross of Victoria, B.C.. 
Terry was in fellowship at the Centerville Gospel Chapel. 
Funeral Services will be held 9 a.m., today, Tuesday, at Thomas Lange Funeral Home with Visitation held one hour prior to the service. Burial will follow at Jerome Cemetery
Memorials have been established to Jerome Cemetery, Mercy Hospice of Centerville and Wycliffe Bible Translators which can be left at or mailed to Thomas Lange Funeral 1900 S. 18th St. Centerville, Ia 52544.
Social Security Death Index
  The SSDI gives his birth date as 15 August 1944 and his death date as 16 September 2004.  His SSN was issued in Iowa in 1978-1979.

Betty Jean Felkner Cary, 1926-2005

The Ottumwa Courier - 4 May 2005
  Betty J. Cary, 78, of Omaha, Neb., died May 1, 2005. The body has been cremated. Private burial will be 10 a.m. Saturday at Jerome Cemetery.
  Visitation will be from 6-8 p.m. Friday at Thomas-Lange Funeral Home, Centerville.
  In lieu of flowers, a memorial has been established to Mosaic (provides housing and day services for those with developmental disabilities) and may be left or mailed to the funeral home; PO Box 6; Centerville, Iowa 52544.
Social Security Death Index
  The SSDI gives her birth date as 3 September 1926, her death date as 1 May 2005, and her last residence as Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska 68137.  Her SSN was issued in Iowa before 1951.

John Ponsetto, 1921-2005

Schmidt Family Funeral Home 
  John Ponsetto, age 83, of Centerville, Iowa, died Tuesday, March 22, 2005, at Mercy Medical Center in Centerville, Iowa. He was born the son of the late Michael A. Ponsetto and the late Elenora (Nobile) Ponsetto on December 27, 1921 in Jerome, Iowa. He attended Jerome Community Schools through the eighth grade.  

  On September 22, 1946, John was united in marriage to Lela Fenton at Corydon, Iowa. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II and received the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star. He was employed as a farmer and coal miner. He was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Centerville, Iowa.  John was preceded in death by: his parents; brothers Peter, Leon, and Richard Ponsetto.  He is survived by: his wife, Lela Ponsetto, of Centerville, Iowa; and a sister, Louise Radwick, of Davenport, Iowa; and several nieces and nephews.
  Mass of Resurrection will be held on Saturday, March 26, 2005, at 1:00 P.M., at the Schmidt Family Funeral Home in Centerville, Iowa with Fr. Ron Will, C.PP.S., officiating. Burial will follow at the Jerome Cemetery in Jerome, Iowa.
  Visitation will be held on Friday, March 25, 2005, from 1:00 till 8:00 P.M., with the family present from 6:00 till 8:00 P.M., at the Schmidt Family Funeral Home in Centerville, Iowa.
  Memorials can be made to the Jerome Cemetery Association or Alzheimer's Association and can be left at or mailed to the Schmidt Family Funeral Home at 501 North 18th Street in Centerville, Iowa 52544

Gravestone in Jerome Cemetery
Social Security Death Index
The SSDI gives his birth date as 27 December 1921, his death date as 22 March 2005, and his last residence as Seymour, Wayne, IA 52590. His SSN was issued in Iowa before 1951.

William Clarence Smith, 1914-2003

The Des Moines Register - 5 April 2003

  William C. Smith, 88, of Pleasant Hill, died Wednesday, April 2, 2003 at Parkridge Nursing and Rehab Center. Services will be 11:00 a.m. Monday, April 7 at the Altoona Funeral Home. Burial will be 3:00 p.m. Monday at the Jerome Cemetery in Jerome, IA.
  William was born in Numa, IA and had lived in Panora, Guthrie Center and the Seymour area before moving to Pleasant Hill. He had been a coal miner, a construction worker and a musician. William was an honorary member of the Oldtime Country Music Hall of Fame and the Old Timers Blue Grass Band.
  He is survived by two sons, Gene Smith of Runnells and Dave Smith of Des Moines two daughters, Helen Hoekman of Des Moines and Ellen Russo of Des Moines two brothers, Clyde Smith of TX and Douglas Smith of Phoenix, AZ two sisters, Wilma Shelley of Seymour and Mildred Hudson of Seymour 13 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, Juanita Smith.
  Visitation will be from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Sunday, April 6 at the Altoona Funeral Home.

Social Security Death Index
  The SSDI gives his birth date as 5 October 1914 and his death date as 2 April 2003.  His SSN was issued in Iowa before 1951.  His last residence was Runnells, Polk, Iowa 50237.

Obituary: Richard Lee Zemo

The Daily Iowegian - 7 April 2008
  Richard Lee Zemo, age 70, of Centerville, Iowa, died Friday, April 4, 2008 at his home in Centerville. He was born the son of Steve "Max" and Anna (Yonavich) Zemo on April 26, 1937 in Cincinnati, Iowa. He Graduated from the Centerville Community Schools.
  On March 2, 1984, Richard was united in marriage to JoAnn Bell in Centerville, Iowa.
  He worked for many years for the City of Centerville in the Parks Department mowing city property and as well as mowing the Oakland Cemetery. He was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Centerville.
  He was preceded in death by: his father, Max Zemo on February 21, 1997 and his mother, Anna Zemo on January 27, 1988.
  Richard is survived by: his wife, JoAnn Zemo of Centerville, Iowa and his sister, Betty Belloma of Waterloo, Iowa.
  No services are planned and his body has been cremated. The Schmidt Family Funeral Home on Centerville, Iowa is caring for the Zemo family at this time. Condolences can be sent at:
Social Security Death Index
  The SSDI gives his birth date as 26 April 1937 and his death date as 4 April 2008.  His SSN was issued in Iowa in 1951.  His last residence was Centerville, Appanoose, Iowa 51544.