Monday, April 12, 2010

Phyllis Hawkins and Don Cain Marry

The Seymour Herald - 18 December 1952
  Marriage vows were spoken at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 12, uniting Miss Phyllis Hawkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hawkins of Davenport, formerly of Jerome, and Don O. Cain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cain of Seymour.
  The Rev. James Uhlinger officiated in Wayside chapel of St. John's Methodist church in Davenport.
  The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street length dress of white wool. She wore a white shell had and a corsage of yellow roses.
  Mrs. Manuel Buckallew of Independence, Mo., served as matron of honor for her sister. She wore a lavender taffeta dress, a white shell hat, and her corsage was of white roses.
  Manuel Buckallew served as best man and Bill Hawkins acted as usher.
  Preceding the ceremony, Miss Mary Ellen Jones of Clinton, college friend of the bride, sang "I Love Thee" and later sang "The Lord's Prayer" while the bridal couple knelt at the altar.
  A reception was held immediately following the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Mary Hawkins, sister of the bride, cut and served the wedding cake and Miss Jane Cain, sister of the bridegroom, poured.
  Both the bride and bridegroom were graduated from the Seymour high school. The bride was graduated from Iowa State College with the class of 1951 and has been employed in the Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C., for the past year. Cain is serving with the U.S. Navy and is stationed on the U.S.S. Sicily.
  The couple will live at 314 Temple Ave., Long Beach, Calif. 

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