Monday, April 12, 2010

JEROME By Miss Susie Sidles

The Seymour Herald - 4 December 1952
  George Mills of Des Moines spent the Thanksgiving holidays with the George Sidles family. They all spent Thanksgiving day at the Harold Hickie home north of Promise City.
  Mr. and Mrs. Donald Owen of Ft. Wayne, Ind., and Bert Murphy of Iowa State college spent the Thanksgiving holidays at the Bert F. Murphy home.
  Ova Kinney of Seymour, Mrs. Effie Houx of Cedar Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. George Kinney of Cincinnati enjoyed a get-together at the Thanksgiving dinner here.
  Mr. and Mrs. Billy Mincks of Cedar Falls spent the long week end at the Charley McGavran home. Sunday they were joined there by Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGavran of Ames and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin McGavran of Seymour honoring the host's birthday. Mrs. McGavran accompanied the Keith McGavrans as far as Des Moines and is spending a few days at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank D. Jones, and family.
  Richard Owen of Glenwood visited at the K. E. Owen home Wednesday on a return trip from the Farm Bureau convention in Des Moines.
  Friends here were sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Wilson, wife of Rev. James A. Wilson, former pastor of the Mystic-Jerome charge. They had been with their daughter, Mrs. Rinda Inman, at Crown Point, Ind., for the past year and her death occurred there. The funeral will be at Libertyville Wednesday, Dec. 3, with burial there.
  The Thanksgiving dinner and bazaar was well-attended and the women of the W.S.C.S. cleared $133.
  Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Disney and Mr. and Mrs. George Jones of Davenport spent the Thanksgiving holidays at the parental Carl Hamm home. They were joined there Thanksgiving day by the K. E. Owen family for Thanksgiving dinner.
  Because of the Christmas holiday there has been a change in the W.S.C.S. schedule and the all-day cooperative dinner meeting will be Dec. 11. The worship service will be in charge of Mrs. Lyda Bollman and the lesson will be given by Mrs. M. R. Gonzalez. The hostess will be Mrs. William Clark and Mrs. Delbert Foster.
  The Christmas party will be Dec. 18.
  The Merle Loofburrow family of Des Moines spent Thanksgiving here and joined the Hefner families at the Thanksgiving dinner served by the Methodist women.
  Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rash and Rowena and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mincks and two children spent Thanksgiving at the Gene Darrah home south of Cincinnati on the Missouri line.
  The Delbert Foster family spent Thanksgiving with his parents at Exline.

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