Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weekly Citizen - 9 September 1871 - Local News

Centerville Weekly Citizen
9 September 1871
  George M. Teegarden, son of Mr. G. M. Teegarden, of this county, designs boing this fall to the National Mute-College at Washington, to continue his studies and fit himself for the duties of an instructor. He recently returned from Council Bluffs where he was in attendance at the State Institute for the Deaf and Dumb. We wish him unbounded success in his honorable pursuit.
  Fare Reduced -- For the accommodation of persons desiring to attend our County Fair, to be held at Centerville on the 12th, 13th and 14th inst., the fare on the Southwestern R.R. has been reduced to sixty percent of the regular rate, between Washington, Iowa, and Trenton, Missouri. This is liberal on the part of the road and will be appreciated by our people generally.
  No Go. -- Democracy attempted a new departure in this county last Saturday, but failed signally, as heretofore.  They thought to make a masterly stroke by placing on their ticket a woman for Superintendent of Schools, and tendered informally the nomination to Mrs. M. E. Gill of Centerville. She, however, declined the empty honor with a remark that in her judgement the Republican nominee, Mr. G. C. Goodenough, was an excellent man for the place. She is of the opinion that it is not province of woman to mingle in political strife, and holds the schools of the county as well as the superintendent should in no manner whatever be mixed with county politics.
  The County Fair begins next Tuesday. Don't forget it.
  The Eden Association of Missionary Baptists is in session at Livingston, and will adjourn next Monday.
  Send for the Iowa Homestead of Des Moines by Gen. Wilson. It tells all about farming. Only $2.00 per year.
  A Daily Citizen will be issued during the Fair, for free distribution on the Fair Grounds. Fifteen hundred copies will be printed each day. Advertisements should be handled at once.
  Shall the sale of wine and beer be forbidden in Appanoose County?  This important question will be decided by the voters at the election this fall.  Of course it will be decided in the affirmative.
  The new Methodist Church at Jerome will be dedicated on Sunday, September 17th, at 11 A.M.  Rev. C. S. Jennis will preach the dedicatory sermon. Rev. R Stephenson will preach at 3 P.M.  Other ministers are expected.
  A new kind of tea, called "Thea-Nectar," is for sale at this place by Jacob Rummel, which tea drinkers pronounce delicious.  It is used in the best hotels in cities; and is cheaper than common tea.  If the package sent us is a sample of the rest, it is worth a trial.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Weekly Citizen - 12 August 1871 - Local News

Centerville Weekly Citizen
12 August 1871
  --Lincoln township has six new school houses.
  --The new Methodist church at Jerome is nearly completed, at a cost of a bout nine hundred dollars.
  List of Delegates to the County Convention
  Bellair -- Wm. Bradley, Jacob Shontz, L. W. Spooner and Wm. Fox.
  Franklin -- E. O. Smith, Nathan Stanton, Isaac Wilson, J. T. Harl and Wm. Ware.
  Johns -- S. K. Ball, John H. Carter and Alexander Hughes.
  Lincoln -- C. R. Jackson, M. Holshouser and R. F. Rinker.

Weekly Citizen - Local News - 18 March 1871

The Centerville Weekly Citizen
18 March 1871
  The school in district No. 5, Lincoln township, will close on Friday, March 24th, after five months session.  J. B. Horner is the teacher. The last two days will be devoted to examinations.  All are invited.
  Jerome Items -- A new frame school house has been built at Jerome and the Methodists hold services in it every Sunday. --Henry Wilson, the good blacksmith of that place, is also postmaster. --J. M. Crouch has opened a blacksmith shop about one mile west of Jerome. --Peter Sidles has built a good bank barn.
  The new town laid out at the depot of the C. & S. W. at Bellair by Huston & Harvey, is called Numa. The people of Bellair, we are informed, desire to have the name of that place changed to Numa, so as to conform with the name of the postoffice, thereby preventing mistakes in mail matter, as Johnson county, this state, has a postoffice called Bellair.
  --Farmers have commenced sowing spring wheat.
  --The season for planting trees is at hand. Let all improve the opportunity.
  --The boarding train left here Thursday morning for Bellair. The track layers are about two miles on the other side of that place.
  --Why not pay female school teachers, who do an equal amount of work and do it equally as well,as much as male teachers receive?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New Book: Images of America - Appanoose County

  The Appanoose County Historical Society has published a new collection of historical photographs of Appanoose County in the Arcadia Publishing series Images of America.  It joins Enfys McMurry's recently published Centerville: A Mid-America Saga by The History Press, the digitization of the historical newspapers of Centerville by the Appanoose County Historical Society and the digitization of the historical newspapers of Seymour by The Jerome Journal to provide rich resources for persons interested in the history of Appanoose County, plus the collections and archives of the Appanoose County Historical & Coal Mining Museum in Centerville.

  The new book can be purchased at the Museum in Centerville or on  I think you will find it a jewel of a resource!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Seymour Press, Thursday, August 3, 1893

[Excerpts from the Local News] 
 --We need rain badly.
  --Delightfully cool nights.
  --Damon and Pythias to-night.
  --David Tharp is repairing his sidewalk.
  --The tournament promises to be a grand success.
  --Editor Lewis and wife are in Chicago this week.
 --Harris & Hickerson shipped a mixed car of hogs and cattle to Chicago, Tuesday.
  --Mrs. Hollingsworth of Ogalalla, Neb., visited in the city last week, leaving Sunday for Jerome.
  --The Wayne county normal will commence Monday, August 14, at Corydon, and continue two weeks.
  --G. H. Bowers, M. W. Browne and Winter Giles received their new safety bicycles last Saturday afternoon.
  --The Seymour boys will go down to Mystic tomorrow to meet the Mystic team on their grounds in the return game.
  --STRAYED -- Bay filley, one year old, from my pasture near Plano, about July 20.  Liberal reward for any information. R. R. Morlan.
  --$7.25 to Chicago and $11.64 to Chicago and return via., Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Return tickets good for 30 days.
  --The presbyterian ladies cleared a neat little sum at their social in the park Saturday night, which will be used in repairing their church.
  --Epworth League social, cream and cake furnished at half price, 10 cents.  M. E. church yard on Saturday evening, Aug. 5. Everybody invited to bring a friend.
  --Word comes to us that Harley Thomas, who was badly hurt last week in being thrown from his horse, that he is getting along nicely and will soon be able to be out.
  --"Damon & Pythias" will be presented at the Mystic opera house Saturday night by the Seymour dramatic company, supported by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Valentine.
  --Preaching next Sunday night at the christian church. Subject: "A Faithful Witness."  Acts 26:22.  Will spears, leader. All are invited to attend our young people's meetings. 
   --In order to accommodate all who wish to attend Forepaugh's circus at Centerville August 7, train No. 96.  Due to leave Seymour at 8:36 a.m. will carry passengers on that date.  J. F. Springer, agent.
  --The first ball game of this season on the Seymour grounds was played last Friday between the Mystic and Seymour boys resulting in a score of 14 to 18, in favor of the home team.
  --The ball boys went out to the grounds yesterday evening and with the aid of the road grader and a few shovels,scalped the diamond, making it in fine shape for the games during the tournament, August 9, 10 and 11.
  --Grand salvation army meeting in Hoschar's hall, Tuesday evening August 8. Adjutant and Mrs. Harris will be with us, with their songs and music. Everybody come to hear and see for yourselves.  Meeting inside at half past seven.
  --Robert Froeman the 5 months and 11 days old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kennedy of Gladstone, died Sunday evening of cholera infantum. The funeral services were conducted at this place by K. P. Morrison and the remains intered in the Seymour cemetery.
 --Tuesday evening while Edgar Smith was working in his uncle's hay field west of town, he started to ride to the top of a hay stack on the forks of the stacker but before he reached the top he became frightened and fell to the ground, and was shook up considerably, but received no serious injuries.
  --Tuesday afternoon as Mat Ruby was driving across the bridge near J. M. Odell's the bridge gave way precipitating team, wagon, and himself to the creek bed below, a distance of about eight feet. The horses were pretty badly scratched up but Mat escaped without injury.
  --Miss L. Ella Miller missionary to Burmah will lecture at the baptist church Tuesday evening, August 8. This lecture will be illustrated with idols, costumes etc. Miss Miller was a missionary to Burmah for a number of years and thoroughly understands the subject treated. All should hear her. Lecture free. Collection will be taken.
  --Commencing August 1, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rail Road will sell round trip tickets to the worlds fair for $11.64.  Tickets good going on date of sale, return limit 30 days from date of sale. Three regular passenger trains daily through to Chicago without change of cars. For further particulars inquire of J. F. Springer agent.
  --It is announced that by a recent ruling of the postoffice department, letters must have written or printed on them the number of days they are to be held at the receiving office, or they will be held thirty days instead of ten as heretofore.  As soon as the contract for printing runs out, you can only have envelopes printed at home, as the government will stop printing addresses thereon. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Seymour Press, Thursday, July 27, 1893

  [Excerpts from the Local News]
  --L. R. Clark was in Jerome Monday.
  --Jake Dewey was down from Jerome, Saturday.
  --The hum of the thresher is heard in the land.
  --Geo. Athey, of Numa, spent Sunday in our town.
  --Yesterday was pay day at the Chicago Coal Co. mine.
  --Chas. Nicodemus returned on Saturday from Chicago.
  --Mrs. Z. Double and daughter Lizzie spent Sunday in Hibbsville with relatives.
  --C. A. McGavran and wife, of Jackson, Mich., are visiting relatives at this place.
  --Miss Marcia Earnest left Saturday afternoon for a two weeks' visit with friends in Mt. Pleasant.
  --Dr. M. A. Jones had made arrangements to go to Mystic on Friday of each week to do dental work.
  --The Rock Island employes at this place were made happy yesterday with the arrival of the pay car.
  --Tobacco is injurious! Stop it by taking Hill's Chloride of gold Tablets. All first-class druggist sell them.
  --Mrs. J. W. Workman and children returned Sunday morning from a five weeks' visit in Washington county.
  --Barns, fences and bare walls are covered with flaming posters announcing the Forepaugh show at Centerville, August 7.
  --We want correspondents from Genoa and Kniffin; one who can furish good, spicy letters giving all the events of interest.
  --We have obtained a correspondent at Promise City who will keep The Press readers posted on the happening of that burg.
  --The Chicago Store advertises a grand clearance sale on the front page of this paper. An excellent opportunity for ladies.  Read it.
  --The ladies of the Eastern Star gave refreshments consisting of ice cream, cake, etc., in the methodist churchyard last Thursday and realized sixteen dollars for their efforts.
  --J. H. Thompson brought into our office this morning a stalk of timothy that measures 5 feet 11 inches from the top of the ground. We would like to know if anyone can beat that.
  --A claim pushed against the Milwaukee railroad company by D. H. Kerby for $300 in settlement for four horses killed by the cars last April has just  been paid to W. A. Hagan, of Jerome.
  --The ten-months old child of Mr. E. W. and Mary Adamson, near Numa, died Monday morning and was interred in the Numa Cemetery in the evening. The funeral services were conducted by Elder Ammons of this place.
  --For the last two weeks our ready prints have been a day late in reaching us from Chicago thereby throwing us several hours behind time with our papers. We hope our readers will look over this matter which we can't avoid.
  --Grand salvation army meeting in Hoschar's hall, Tuesday evening August 8. Adjutant ant Mrs. Harris will be with us, with their songs and music. Everybody come to hear and see for yourselves.  Meeting inside at half past seven.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Paul Vernon McElvain, 1923-2013

Lange Funeral Home and Crematory
  Paul V. McElvain, age 90 Centerville, Iowa passed away Friday, May 24, 2013 at Golden Age Care Center in Centerville.
  He was born on May 8, 1923 on the family farm in rural Centerville, the son of Jason (Lawrence) and Cecile (Kerr) McElvain. Paul married Helen Shorts on February 24, 1946 at the First Methodist Church in Centerville.
  Paul lived and farmed on the family farm most of his life. In his spare time, he enjoyed auctions, farm sales, singing, and most importantly, the time he was able to spend with his family, especially his grandchildren.
  He maintained a social presence in his community by his involvement in numerous groups and organizations throughout his lifetime, including the Gideon's, Farm Bureau, school board member of the Seymour Schools, and member of the Seymour Methodist Church.
  Paul is survived by his children, Bonnie (Hugo) Keyner of Vail, Arizona, Terry (Janice) McElvain of Centerville, Iowa, John (Marcella) McElvain of Council Bluffs, Iowa, James (Melinda) McElvain of Corydon, Iowa; a sister, Marjorie Inman of Highlands Ranch, Colorado; ten grandchildren, Jason (Wendy) McElvain of Centerville, Iowa, Jeremy McElvain of Centerville, Iowa, Jeff McElvain of Papallion, Nebraska, Chris (Kaley) McElvain of Homestead, Iowa, Darcie (Dan) Feller of Council Bluffs, Iowa, Jessica (Shawn) Panich of Hermosa Beach, California, Skylar and Austin McElvain of Corydon, Iowa, Aaron (Gretchen) Hampton of Columbia, Tennessee, and Kendall (Amanda) Hampton of Nashville, Tennessee; ten great-grandchildren, R.J. and Alyssa McElvain of Centerville, Iowa, Cole Feller of Council Bluffs, Iowa, Adalynn and Kynlee McElvain of Homestead, Iowa, Jessie, Marianne, Kathryn, and Luke Hampton of Columbia, Tennessee, Emma Hampton of Nashville, Tennessee; a son-in-law, Arnt Hampton of McMinnville, Tennessee; sister-in-laws, Lola Shorts of Centerville, Iowa and Faith McElvain of Boulder Junction, Wisconsin.
  He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife Helen McElvain; a daughter Sandra Hampton; and two brothers, Harold and Richard McElvain.
  Funeral services will be held 10:30 AM, Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at Lange Funeral Home and Crematory in Centerville with Pastor Kay Singley officiating. Burial will follow in the Jerome Cemetery. A visitation will be held on Monday at Lange Funeral Home and Crematory in Centerville from 1-8 PM, with the family present from 6-8 PM. Memorials have been established to the Seymour Methodist Church and may be given to Lange Funeral Home and Crematory, 1900 S. 18th St., Centerville, Iowa, 52544. Condolences may be shared online at