Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The Seymour Herald - 2 January 1947
  Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Jones and son Frankie of Ottumwa spent last Saturday at the Ida Mincks home.
  Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Moore and son Jerry spent New Years eve with the Zora Rash family in Seymour.
  Mrs. Emma Ogle of Centerville spent Xmas day with Kathryn and Cadd Hawkins where a family dinner was served. Miss Phyllis Hawkins of Des Moines was also present and a home visitor.
  Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Forsythe of Mystic and Howard Hart of Centerville attended the family dinner at the Wm. Hefner home on Xmas day.
  The Paul Ervin family spent Xmas day with the Orville Swan family south of town.
  Harry Sidles of Ames and Virginia Sidles of Des Moines were holiday guests at the parental Peter Sidles home.
  Miss Carolyn Morris of Des Moines spent last week end at the J. G. Morris home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morris and son Eddie of Mystic rural route were also week end and Xmas eve guests at the family home.
  Mrs. Roy Glenn and Carol of Seymour spent last Friday with Miss Susie Sidles.
  The Methodist Church gave a very nice Xmas service on Xmas eve. The committee in charge was Mrs. Joe Beer, Mrs. Lazelle Inman and Mrs. Bert T. Murphy. The presence of Santa Claus at the close was a thrill to all the children who were given a treat.
  After the service the choir sang carols for Miss Cadd Hawkins who has been ill for several months.
  Miss June Cochran of Des Moines spent Xmas and several days at the parental Loyd Cochran home.
  Mr. and Mrs. John Ponsetto spent Xmas day with her parents, the Otha Fenton family, on Mystic rural route.
  Mrs. Lyda Bollman spent the Xmas holidays with her son Clay Hickie and family in Des Moines.
  Burdette Workman of Davenport spent the Xmas holiday at the parental J. W. Workman home.
  The next fellowship supper of the Methodist Church will be held on Friday, January 3.
  Donald Owen of Ames spent several days with his brother Kenneth and family.

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