Wednesday, June 10, 2009

JEROME - 20 January 1947

The Seymour Herald - 23 January 1947
  Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Burkett and sons Raymond and Billy spent last week end at the parental Wm. Hefner home.
  Harry Sidles of Ames and Virginia Sidles of Des Moines spent last week end at the parental Peter Sidles home.
  Mrs. James Felkner is spending several days in Des Moines with her daughter, Mrs. Chester Jarnajin and family, and caring for the new grandson that arrived January 13.
  Mrs. Roy H. Mills of Westwood, New Jersey has spent the last week with her brothers, Geo. and Peter Sidles families.
  Mr. and Mrs. Paul Felkner and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mincks attended the Appanoose county Institute for Sunday School workers held in Centerville last week from Monday through Friday.
  Mrs. Guy Streepy of Udell returned home Wednesday evening after spending several days with her sister, Miss Susie Sidles. Mrs. Ray Deibert from Sac City returned on Friday after spending a week at the Sidles home.
  Mrs. J. H. Matkin of Seymour, Mrs. Roy H. Mills of Westwood, New Jersey, Miss Georgia Sidles of Sioux City spent last Tuesday with Miss Susie Sidles and with Mrs. Ray Delbert and Mrs. Guy Streepy who were at home.
  James Crouch of Wheaton, Ill., called on his cousins, the Hawkins families, and on old friends in this vicinity last Sunday. The Crouchs formerly lived in this community.
  Miss Leona Griffin of Muscatine was a week end guest of the Gonzalazes in Mystic and attended the church service in Jerome Sunday.
  Since Xmas the choir of the Methodist Church has been meeting in homes. Last week they met at Paul Ervins' home and this week with Richard Mincks.

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