[Excerpts from the Local News]
--L. R. Clark was in Jerome Monday.
--Jake Dewey was down from Jerome, Saturday.
--The hum of the thresher is heard in the land.
--Geo. Athey, of Numa, spent Sunday in our town.
--Yesterday was pay day at the Chicago Coal Co. mine.
--Chas. Nicodemus returned on Saturday from Chicago.
--Mrs. Z. Double and daughter Lizzie spent Sunday in Hibbsville with relatives.
--C. A. McGavran and wife, of Jackson, Mich., are visiting relatives at this place.
--Miss Marcia Earnest left Saturday afternoon for a two weeks' visit with friends in Mt. Pleasant.
--Dr. M. A. Jones had made arrangements to go to Mystic on Friday of each week to do dental work.
--The Rock Island employes at this place were made happy yesterday with the arrival of the pay car.
--Tobacco is injurious! Stop it by taking Hill's Chloride of gold Tablets. All first-class druggist sell them.
--Mrs. J. W. Workman and children returned Sunday morning from a five weeks' visit in Washington county.
--Barns, fences and bare walls are covered with flaming posters announcing the Forepaugh show at Centerville, August 7.
--We want correspondents from Genoa and Kniffin; one who can furish good, spicy letters giving all the events of interest.
--We have obtained a correspondent at Promise City who will keep The Press readers posted on the happening of that burg.
--The Chicago Store advertises a grand clearance sale on the front page of this paper. An excellent opportunity for ladies. Read it.
--The ladies of the Eastern Star gave refreshments consisting of ice cream, cake, etc., in the methodist churchyard last Thursday and realized sixteen dollars for their efforts.
--J. H. Thompson brought into our office this morning a stalk of timothy that measures 5 feet 11 inches from the top of the ground. We would like to know if anyone can beat that.
--A claim pushed against the Milwaukee railroad company by D. H. Kerby for $300 in settlement for four horses killed by the cars last April has just been paid to W. A. Hagan, of Jerome.
--The ten-months old child of Mr. E. W. and Mary Adamson, near Numa, died Monday morning and was interred in the Numa Cemetery in the evening. The funeral services were conducted by Elder Ammons of this place.
--For the last two weeks our ready prints have been a day late in reaching us from Chicago thereby throwing us several hours behind time with our papers. We hope our readers will look over this matter which we can't avoid.
--Grand salvation army meeting in Hoschar's hall, Tuesday evening August 8. Adjutant ant Mrs. Harris will be with us, with their songs and music. Everybody come to hear and see for yourselves. Meeting inside at half past seven.
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