Monday, January 7, 2013

Select Local News Items - 17 January 1895

The Seymour Press - 17 January 1895
Select Items from Local News
  --H. C. Rinker had his address changed from Centerville to Iowa City. He is attending the law department of the state university.
  --The cold snap that came down on us last week froze ice sufficiently thick for packing and every available team, man and large boy in town was employed by the packers. The ice is of a good quality, but in some cases had to be hauled a considerable distance.
  --On Wednesday night of last week the Eastern Stars initiated into their order Misses Sidles and Hagen, of Jerome. There was quite a large attendance at the meeting and after the mysteries of the order had been thoroughly unraveled to the candidates, dainty and palatable refreshments were served to all for which Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Browne and Miss Sade Bradley will ever be held in fond remembrance.
  --Sam Rickords had a narrow escape one night last week in which he came near losing his last shirt. He had three, lucky man, two of them were hanging out on the clothes line and the third he had on. The two on the line were stolen. 'Twas a pow'ful norry 'scape for Sam.
  --J. H. Matkins handles the best coffee in the market. It is called Easly Breakfast and he says he never handled a coffee. in all his experience that gave more universal satisfaction. And that isn't all, it costs no more than inferior grades. Examine it, taste it, smell it, and you will buy it.
--C.S. Byrkit assistant secretary of the state of Iowa says:  "I have used Dr Eells' Pain Pad several years and consider it the best remedy for the relief of pain in existence; it cures acute pain of any kind in from fifteen to twenty minutes"  Dr. Eells' Pain Pad taken internally relieves the most severe pain instantly.
  --J. B. Rankin, D.D.G.M. and S. C. Beck, Grand Marshall, of Allerton, installed officers of the Lone Tree Lodge No. 352, I.O.O.F. last Saturday evening, as follows: F. V. Inskeep, N.G., Earnest Schnobley, V.G.; Dr. O. A. Cover, Rec. Secy.; W. O. Bateman, Per. Secy,; Ira T. Blakely, Treas. After the installation the members adjourned to the west side oyster parlor and C. E. Earnest catered to their wants.

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