Saturday, March 27, 2010

JEROME By Miss Susie Sidles

The Seymour Herald - 18 September 1952
  Mr. and Mrs. Charley McGavran left Tuesday for a trip in the western states and to visit relatives in Denver, Colo., and Boise, Idaho.
  Mervin Burkett of Des Moines spent from Sunday until Friday at the William Hefner and W. R. Hefner homes. Friday he returned home. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hefner took him to Des Moines and spent the day there. Miss Colleen Hefner returned home with them for the weekend.
  Mr. and Mrs. Warren Streiff and three children of Ohio have spent the past week at the parental Peter Sidles home. They will spend the next few days with the Harry Streiffs in Centerville.
  Mr. and Mrs. James Fox and five children and Jackie Fry of Bettendorf and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hill and children of Canton, Ill., spent the weekend at the I. E. Fry home. They were honoring Mrs. Fry on her birthday. All went to the park in Centerville Sunday for a picnic.
  Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sidles attended the Master Farmers yearly meeting and dinner Sunday at Ames. They were accompanied by their sons, Jim and Pete, who are again enrolled in Iowa State College for their junior year.
  Mr. and Mrs. Bert Murphy went to Ames Sunday to take their son, Bert, who will enter Iowa State College for his first year.
  Miss Mary Hawkins, formerly of Jerome and now of Davenport, also entered college at Ames for her freshman year.
  Mr. and Mrs. Ervin McGavran of Seymour are staying at the Charley McGavran home while they are away.
  Mrs. Gail Felkner, Miss Susie Sidles, Mrs. James Felkner and Mrs. Richard Mincks attended the W.S.C.S. seminar of the Ottumwa district in Centerville Thursday.
  The M.Y.F. will have a guest party at the church Wednesday evening.
  The first meeting of the new year of the W.S.C.S. will be a cooperative dinner, Sept. 25, with Mrs. Forest Workman and Mrs. Scott McDonald as hostesses. Mrs. J. W. Workman will conduct the devotionals and Mrs. Delbert Foster will have the program.
  Kenneth Owen and Miss Dorothy Owen returned Sunday from a weeks fishing trip at the lakes in Minnesota. Mrs. Owen and daughter, Diana, also returned home from Davenport where they had been visiting relatives.
  Friends here where Mrs. Loyd Crouch was raised are very sorry to hear of her death.

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