Friends and relatives were sorry to hear of the passing of Mrs. Geo. Sidles. She has been a long time resident of this vicinity and will be greatly missed by many relatives and friends. We extend sympathy to the bereaved ones.
Wm. Jensen and friend of Voorhies, Iowa, have been spending the past week at the A. S. Gillespie and Leslie Cathcart homes. He has wired the Gillespie and Cathcart homes for electricity.
Mrs. Ella McKern spent Sunday evening at the James Cathcart home in Centerville.
Church services will be held at the M. E. church each night next week beginning Dec. 6th.
Dorothy Baley of Packwood, Ia., spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Gilbert Doley (sic) and family.
Little Darlene Sebben of Seymour spent the week end at the C. W. Fox home.
Gilbert Michaels moved into the H. W. Bollman property last week.
Miss Anna Garman (sic) is ill and in the St. Joseph hospital. Her condition is not considered serious and her friends wish her a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sedgwick, of St. Louis, spent Friday evening at the C. C. Bollman home. Mrs. Benjamin of Chicago is now employed at the Bollman home.
A Christmas program is being planned by the Believers Sunday school. They have commenced rehearsals.
There will be services at the M. E. church each night this week.
The Jerome school had visitor's day Wednesday. All parents and any other interested were invited to visit the rooms that day. Regular class work and school routine was the entertainment and proved very interesting.
Mrs. Roy H. Mills, of Martinsville, N.J., returned to her home Wednesday after being called here by the death of her mother Mrs. Geo. Sidles.
Ila Davis, teacher at the Murphy school attended the study center near Streepy, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Randolph, Wilmer and Darlene, also Ralph Allan spent Sunday at the Edmund Allan home.
Rev. Harris was a dinner guest with Mrs. D. F. Newall Thursday.
The M. E. Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Manford Moore Thursday. Quilting and sewing rug rags was the work done.
Mrs. Geo. Workman and Mrs. O. B. Workman of Centerville spent last Monday with Mrs. Paul Starcevich, helping her butchering ....
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